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NextJS Cocktail App

A modern responsive app that interacts with a cocktail API.

Live Link



  • Cocktail API
  • Languages: HTML5, CSS3, ES6 JavaScript
  • Frameworks: React, NextJS, Styled Components
  • Testing: React Testing Library, Jest DOM
  • Version Control: Git, Github
  • CI/CD: GitHub Actions


Technical Features

  • Tested user interactions such as search and pagination with React Testing Library and Jest DOM.
  • Used Jest mock functions to mock API calls.
  • Server Side Rendering with NextJS on a page by page basis to boost SEO.
  • UI styled with React Styled Components.
  • ES6 JavaScript methods and React Hooks to create search and pagination functionality.
  • Used Fetch API to call Cocktails API, destructure relevant data and create high quality components from the returned JSON data.
  • Utilized modern CSS3 features such as Grid, Flexbox and Media Queries to create a modern responsive layout.
  • Used Github Actions to run tests anytime there is a push or a pull request.
  • Usage of Git actions such as add, commit, branching and merging.

User Features

  • Upon visiting the website, users will see a list of cocktails in which they can search for cocktails and click on pagination to see more cocktails.
  • User can click a cocktail and see them in detail.

Code Snippets

Pagination Testing

describe("Pagination", () => {
  describe("when paginate to 2nd page is clicked", () => {
    beforeEach(() => {
        <ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
          <Home cocktails={cocktails} />

    it("should update the current page to 2", () => {
      const page2Pagination = screen.queryByText("2");;
      expect(screen.queryByText("Paginated Glass")).toBeVisible();

Search Testing

 describe("When user searches on searchbar", () => {
    const cocktails = [
        id: 1,
        glass: "FilterA Glass",
        drink: "Hydrated",
        image: "",
        alcoholic: "alcoholic",
        id: 1,
        glass: "FilterB Glass",
        drink: "Hydrated",
        image: "",
        alcoholic: "alcoholic",
    // mock fetch api
    global.fetch = jest.fn(() =>
        json: () =>
            drinks: [
                idDrink: "one",
                strGlass: "FilterA",
                strDrink: "drink1",
                strDrinkThumb: "",
                strAlcoholic: "true",

    beforeEach(() => {
        <ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
          <Home cocktails={cocktails} />

    it("should display cocktail cards that matches the search term", async () => {
      const input = screen.queryByPlaceholderText("Search For Cocktail");

      await act(async () => {
        fireEvent.change(input, { target: { value: "FilterA" } });

      await waitFor(
        () => {
        { interval: 1000 }

Server Side Rendering

export async function getServerSideProps() {
  return {
    props: {
      cocktails: await cocktailsAPI.searchCocktails(),