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Invalid Info

Lemon edited this page Jan 23, 2021 · 8 revisions

This is some specific minutua to the operation for Invalid. For the overview, go to the overview page.


Employee 100 Password Entered Successfully
Employee +20 Bonus For Getting Password First
Only for games with 3+ players
SysAdmin +3 For Each Second Of Password Entry
SysAdmin 0 Employee Failed Password Attempt
Removed this to encourage more typing.
SysAdmin 100 Caused A System Crash
Any Player 40 Cracked Another's Password
Any Player -40 Password Was Cracked
Any Player -50 Cracked Your Own Password

SysAdmin Powers

Demand A Letter Password must use letter of SysAdmin's choosing.
Ban A Letter Password cannot use letter of SysAdmin's choosing
Shibboleth Employees must enter word of SysAdmin's choosing before entering password.
Flying Pig A Flying Pig appears on Employee's screen, offering unhelpful advice
Set A Maximum Maximum Characters are enforced (which is the average character count +2)
Set A Minimum Minimum Characters are enforced (which is the average character count -1)
Limit Vowels Maximum Vowel use is enforced (average vowel count + 1)
Ban A Combo Employees cannot use two letters of the SysAdmin's choosing in the password.

Potential/hypothetical Additions

(these may be added in the future. Maybe.)

Hint ? SysAdmin can see a partial list of valid passwords (maybe 5?), but now those passwords cannot be bugs
Backwards ? Employees must enter in their password backwards


Employee 50 Time To Guess
Employee 20 Time To Guess After 1 Employee Success
Admin 90 Time To Set Rules
Everyone 30 Countdown To Final Round
Everyone 60 Final Round Guessing

How Many Rounds?

2 players 6 rounds
3 players 6 rounds
4 players 8 rounds
5 players 5 rounds
6 players 6 rounds
7 players 7 rounds
8 players 8 rounds
etc etc



This is mostly just to keep track of it for myself, because I can forget, and have.

round.phase =

pregame Players are in the lobby, waiting for the host to click start game
choose rules The sysadmin hasn't hit "OnBoard Employees" yet. Could be either choosing challenge, setting up rules, or defining bugs
add bugs The sysadmin has finished with rules and is now adding bugs. Only SysAdmins see this phase.
create password The guessing has begun!
crashed Someone crashed the server. Waiting for SysAdmin to click next round.
FINAL ROUND This is the FINAL ROUND. You may be cracking passwords or reading instructions.
GAME OVER The game has ended. We're just gonna show you the scores and a summmary of what happened.

attempt.result =

failed Your password attempt failed. It could be that it violated a rule, or it wasn't a match with the list, or someone else got to it first.
success Your password worked and you got points
crash This password crashed the server