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AiTechEye edited this page Sep 6, 2018 · 4 revisions

The aliveai bots is talking, with both each other and players also their mood and temper affects their reactions.

this list contains of some chat that the ai will react from.

chat alternatives effect
how to craft tells craft result
folow me folows you
can i live with you? friends? folows you or decline
do you want comes to you
who? tells the target name
do you have or no
who want to mine with me? yes or no
give me i need if it have it walk to you and give it
how are you how do you feel,whats up? tells it mood or temper
what is this tells name of object or node near you
come help walks to you
kill help observe enimys near they
run ahh,no flees from enimy near them
hi hello greets back
grant grant me,grantme calls admin ... calls you noob
what you doing tells its task status
your team tell its team name
where are you tell its position
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