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React adaptor package for rxan


This package requires react@^15||^16 and rxjs@^5||^6 as peer dependencies. You should install React and RxJS in your project to use this package.

How to install

To use with rxjs@^5

npm install --save rxan-core rxan-react

To use with rxjs@^6

npm install --save rxan-core@alpha rxan-react

How to use


You can see a live example at CodePen.

Code examples

Following examples assume that you use ES6 module. You can use ES6 module by using Webpack or Rollup or any other bundlers.

import React from 'react'
import { duration, easing } from 'rxan-core'
import { withRxan } from 'rxan-react'

const animation = duration()(500) // Creates values of 0~1
  .map(easing.sine) // Adds easing function to values of 0~1
  .map((v) => v * 100) // Maps values of 0~1 to values of 0~100

class App extends React.Component {
  componentDidMount() {

  render() {
    // uses 'style' props since we name so using `withRxan`
    return (
      <img style={} src='' />

export withRxan(animation, {
  // maps props for result values of animation observable
  mapAnimationToProps(value, start) {
    return {
      style: {
        transform: 'translateX(-' + value + '%)'


  • withRxan(observable, config)(component)
    • observable: any observable.
    • config: configuration for withRxan
      • config.mapAnimationToProps(value, start, stop): mapping value, start, stop to props.
        This function should returns object or null/undefined.
        • value: current value of observable
        • start: function to start observable
        • stop: function to stop observable Default value is
        function (value, start, stop) {
          return {
            [config.valuePropName]: value,
            [config.startPropName]: start,
            [config.stopPropName]: stop,
      • config.autoStartAt: auto start observable when specified lifecycle method called.
        Possible values are: 'nothing', 'constructor', 'componentDidMount', 'componentWillUpdate', 'componentDidUpdate'.
        Default value is 'nothing'.
        Some lifecycle methods are excluded as intended, because these lifecycle methods are not of the component passed to withRxan, but of the component that withRxan makes (in the other words, you cannot control those).
        i.e., there is no state-related difference between constructor and componentWillMount, there is no shouldComponentUpdate-related difference between componentReceiveProps and componentWillUpdate, and so on. If you find any wierdness, please make an issue on github
      • config.stopBeforeAutoStart: whether stop or does not before auto start.
      • config.valuePropName: name for result values of observable. Default value is value.
      • config.startPropName: name for the function that start running the observable. Default value is start.
      • config.stopPropName: name for the function that stop running the observable. Default value is stop
    • component: any React component that accepts config.mapAnimation(value, start, stop) as part of props.