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Solana Sysvar Printing

This program prints Solana's sysvar accounts. It can be used for understanding how sysvar works both on-chain and off-chain.

It has three parts:

  • program: an on-chain program for reading and printing sysvar
  • client:
    • call the on-chain program to execute printing
    • use RPC client to request sysvar and print it out
  • common: a library that is shared with program and client for customized instructions

There is a log file recording my tests with localhost and devnet: log

Interesting code examples

  • [components/program/] - Access all sysvars from a Solana program.
  • [components/client/src/] and [components/program/src/] - Use the secp256k1 native program to verify signatures or recover pubkeys.
  • [components/client/src/] - Asynchronously subscribe to all WebSocket events then shutdown cleanly.

This repo's structure is based on solana-template, which itself may be useful to read.

How to use it

Install Solana cli following the official doc: Command-line Guide.

Clone the repo:

$ git clone
$ cd solana-sysvar-printing

Build program:

$ cargo build-bpf

To deploy this program:
  $ solana program deploy <your_dir>/solana-sysvar-printing/target/deploy/
The program address will default to this keypair (override with --program-id):

Before deploying program, make config to connect to desired network. If you choose localhost, you'll need to run solana-test-validator in another window.

$ solana config set --url localhost

Deploy program:

$ solana program deploy <your_dir>/solana-sysvar-printing/target/deploy/
Program Id: <your_program_id>

The client program has several modes that demonstrate different capabilities. To list them run

$ cargo run -- --help

Printing sysvars via client calls:

$ cargo run -- print-sysvars-via-client

program id: <your_program_id>
sig: <your_tx_signature>
--------------------------------------- sysvar client printing ---------------------------------------
clock::ID: SysvarC1ock11111111111111111111111111111111
clock::check_id: true
clock::Clock::size_of: 40
clock account: Account {
    lamports: 1169280,
    data.len: 40,
    owner: Sysvar1111111111111111111111111111111111111,
    executable: false,
    rent_epoch: 0,
    data: 83e700000000000036c611620000000000000000000000000100000000000000e56c126200000000,
clock account data: Clock {
    slot: 59267,
    epoch_start_timestamp: 1645332022,
    epoch: 0,
    leader_schedule_epoch: 1,
    unix_timestamp: 1645374693,


stake_history::ID: SysvarStakeHistory1111111111111111111111111
stake_history::check_id: true
stake_history::StakeHistory::size_of: 16392
stake_history account: Account {
    lamports: 114979200,
    data.len: 16392,
    owner: Sysvar1111111111111111111111111111111111111,
    executable: false,
    rent_epoch: 0,
    data: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000,
stake_history account data: StakeHistory(

Printing sysvars via program CPI calls:

$ cargo run -- print-sysvars-via-program

To see the result of this command, as printed by the program, run solana logs in another window:

$ solana logs
Streaming transaction logs. Confirmed commitment
Transaction executed in slot 59595:
  Signature: <your_tx_signature>
  Status: Ok
  Log Messages:
    Program <your_program_id> invoke [1]
    Program log: sysvar program printing
    Program log: clock: Clock {
    slot: 59595,
    epoch_start_timestamp: 1645332022,
    epoch: 0,
    leader_schedule_epoch: 1,
    unix_timestamp: 1645374930,


    Program log: stake_history: AccountInfo {
    key: SysvarStakeHistory1111111111111111111111111,
    owner: Sysvar1111111111111111111111111111111111111,
    is_signer: false,
    is_writable: false,
    executable: false,
    rent_epoch: 0,
    lamports: 114979200,
    data.len: 16392,
    data: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000,
    Program <your_program_id> consumed 204526 of 1400000 compute units
    Program <your_program_id> success

Subscribing to async WebSocket events:

$ cargo run -p client -- demo-pubsub-client-async
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.16s
     Running `target/debug/client demo-pubsub-client-async`                                                                            [2022-08-12T19:34:22Z INFO  client::util] connecting to solana node at http://localhost:8899
[2022-08-12T19:34:22Z INFO  client::util] RPC version: 1.10.35
[2022-08-12T19:34:22Z INFO  client] version: 1.10.35
[2022-08-12T19:34:22Z INFO  client::util] loading program keypair from /home/brian/solana/solana-syscall-demos/components/client/../../
[2022-08-12T19:34:22Z INFO  client::util] program id: AYn3tq1XGucC9EtEnmAHgogPRCUJdB4arFRXszqxxubu
[2022-08-12T19:34:22Z INFO  client::util] program account: Account { lamports: 1141440, data.len: 36, owner: BPFLoaderUpgradeab1e111111
11111111111111111, executable: true, rent_epoch: 0, data: 020000001d5bad6341b9218f428735442bd0d02e572d69cdebc1a2dfc2d10aa300fb5495 }
program id: AYn3tq1XGucC9EtEnmAHgogPRCUJdB4arFRXszqxxubu
press any key to begin, then press another key to end

sending test transactions
slot_updates pubsub result: Completed { slot: 48929, timestamp: 1660332865232 }
slot_updates pubsub result: Frozen { slot: 48929, timestamp: 1660332865241, stats: SlotTransactionStats { num_transaction_entries: 2, n
um_successful_transactions: 2, num_failed_transactions: 0, max_transactions_per_entry: 1 } }
program pubsub result: Response { context: RpcResponseContext { slot: 48897 }, value: RpcKeyedAccount { pubkey: "2vfptS8RowtawPzURDJ1u5
2jEvx5T7uHRxhfj8VnFwdo", account: UiAccount { lamports: 499756150001, data: LegacyBinary(""), owner: "11111111111111111111111111111111"
, executable: false, rent_epoch: 0 } } }
slot_updates pubsub result: Root { slot: 48897, timestamp: 1660332865246 }


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