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Ajaxan edited this page Mar 27, 2017 · 1 revision

Welcome to Smeltery!


Smeltery is a plugin inspired by the mods Smeltery and Metallurgy and also by the plugin Brewery. By combining these two ideas I came up with a powerful plugin to allow server and players the ability to new armor and weapons to add an extra level of depth to the game. Players are able to craft and create new items with unique abilities through an entirely new style of crafting called smelting!

Smelting is considerably harder than normal Minecraft crafting but as a result, the items can be much more powerful and offer effects to put other armor to shame! (All configurable of course!)

All Smeltery enhancement are enchantment compatible so there can't be any conflict between any number of enchants and Smeltery upgrades. Even more, nearly all enhancements created by Smeltery are done using the attribute system which will reduce lag and work much cleaner than any other similar plugin! The only features that are not currently done using attributes are durability and magic resistance. Magic resistance, in particular, is a custom connection to my plugin Magic Words. The plugin is not currently available for release but I'll be changing that soon!

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