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The main objective of this extensive project is to explore rental vehicle data analytics in order to identify important information about customer behavior, preferred rental locations, and the level of popularity of particular car models. The fundamental goal is to arm vehicle rental companies with the knowledge they need to improve customer experience, streamline operations, pricing policies, and focused advertising campaigns. The main goal of this analysis is to identify the critical indications that impact rental decisions by identifying patterns that lie behind the wide range of client preferences. The analysis of rental locations is a crucial component that illuminates the specific regional characteristics that are in demand. Rental companies can improve their offers by identifying the agencies and models that are most popular with clients. This allows them to potentially increase or diversify their fleets in order to better meet market demands.

DCSC project Demo

We have launched and AWS EC2 RHEL 9 instance to install and configure required tools for the project.

Login to AWS EC2 instance using gitbash from windows or macOS Terminal

 ssh -i .ssh/"kafka.pem"


Install kafka

  1. Installation


    Unzip the file and move the kafka to /opt/kafka

    tar xzf kafka_2.12-3.6.0.tgz
    mv kafka_2.12-3.6.0 /opt/kafka
  2. configure kafka properties and copy systemd file to start the service

  3. enable kafka and start service

systemctl enable kafka
systemctl start kafka


  1. enable and start the zookeeper service
systemctl enable zookeeper
systemctl start zookeeper

check kafka and zookeeper status

check the status of both kafka and zookeeper

systemctl status kafka

systemctl status zookeeper

Install docker

  1. Install docker

    dnf install docker

  2. check the docker service

    systemctl status podman

Install/configure postgres using docker

Search for docker postgres image

docker search postgres

Pull the docker postgres image

docker pull

verify the image

docker images

Run the docker container to start the postgres

docker run --name some-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD_FILE=/run/secrets/postgres-passwd -d postgres

Verify the postgres pgadmin

Clone kafka python ETL scripts

  1. change the user to kafka user in ec2 instance to configure ETL scripts

    sudo su - kafka

  2. clone from github

    git clone
  3. cd to DCSC project directory

  4. run the scrits to test using pyhon3

    python3 /dev/null

    Here using /dev/null to re-direct console output.

  5. Validate the kafka producer message throuch kafka consumer command.

    /opt/kafka/bin/ --topic dcsc --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --from-beginning
  6. once you confirm messages flowing through kafka, run the postgres python script to load the kafka json messages into postgresql database


  7. validate the data in postgresql database either using pgadmin4 UI or simply running psql commands from ec2-instance.

Schedule ETL Jobs to ingest data into kafka and postgresql

once the data is confirmed we can schedule the job using crontab to run the ETL scripts periodically.

    crontab -e # this command will open crontab entries for kafka user

    # produce messages to kafka every hour
    0 0 */1 * *  /home/kafka/DCSC_Final_Project/python3 /dev/null

    # consume kafka message and load to postgresql every 10th minute of hour
    0 0 */10 * *  /home/kafka/DCSC_Final_Project/python3 /dev/null

Validate crontab

crontab -l

Tableau Visualization

Integrate the postgresql into Tableau for visualization.



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