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Reading notes recorded by Akiyama on book Computer System: A Programmer's Perspective

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Notes on Computer System: A Programmer's Perspetive

Author: Kunka Akiyama

Create : 28 Nov 2021

Update: 30 Oct 2022

C Language (recorded the my most confusing part)

Some Conception

  • & operator, referencing, get address
  • * operator, deferencing. retrive value by address
  • call by value, see code below, it change nothing!
  • structA a, a.b reference to member of struct object
  • structA * a a->b, reference to a member of struct, via a pointer pointing to a struct object, equals to (*a).b
int main()
    int a = 10, b = 20;
    swapx(a, b);
    return 0;
void swapx(int x, int y)
    int t;
    t = x;
    x = y;
    y = t;
  • Call by reference(fake), which also means "pass value of address to the function", this will swap the value a and b in main() However, this is not a real "reference", C implement this by copy the value of pointer in function entrance, and deference them when need.
int main()
    int a = 10, b = 20;
    swapx(&a, &b);
    return 0;

void swapx(int* x, int* y)
    int t;
    t = *x;
    *x = *y;
    *y = t;
  • function(int * p), here "p" is a "pointer" type, which is "int *" in syntax. p stores an value of address. (Note this is not dereferencing operation!, it's a type)

C++ content, comparing to C

  • int &x, a reference type in C++, if int & x = y;, we will think x is exactly the same of y

  • A real "call by reference in C++"

//---------C++ Call by Reference-----------------------------//
unsigned long x = 4;
void func1(unsigned long& val) {
     val = 5;            

//---------C Call by referecen(copy pointer value in fact)----//
void func2(unsigned long* val) {
     *val = 5;
  • Rule of Thumb:

Use pointers if you want to do pointer arithmetic with them (e.g. incrementing the pointer address to step through an array) or if you ever have to pass a NULL-pointer.

Use references otherwise.

Computer Network

Basic of Network

  • Type1: Host(Adapter) -> Hub(1Mbps) -> Bridge(1Gbps) = LAN

  • Type2 : Host + Host = LAN -> Router + Router = WAN

Internet Protocol will define:

  • Naming Scheme
  • Delivery Mechanism

Data Transformation from Host A to Host B

LAN1 Frame Header: to router

Frame include internet Header: to Host B

Router fetch internet Header, then create a new LAN2 Frame Header, to Host B, forward it to LAN2 adapter2

LAN2 adapter forward it to host B, then protocol software strips off the two headers, send it to server's address

The Global IP Intenet

IP Protocol: unreliable, from host to host

UDP(Unreliable Datagram Protocol): extended IP, from process to process

Internet Properties:

  • The set of hosts is mapped to a set of 32-bit IP addresses.
  • The set of IP addresses is mapped to a set of identifiers called Internet domain names.
  • A process on one Internet host can communicate with a process on any other Internet host over a connection.

IPv4 vs Ipv6

  • The original Internet protocol, with its 32-bit addresses, is known as Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4).
  • Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6), that uses 128-bit addresses and that was intended as the successor to IPv4.

IP address presented:

0x8002c2f2 = (dotted-decimal representation)

ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) maintain the first-level domain names

Their DNS Database define millions of host-entries, mappping from domain names to IP addresses.

localhost -> *loopback address*

multiple domain name -> same IP address

In the most general case, multiple domain names are mapped to the same set of multiple IP addresses:

linux> *nslookup* 
 Address: Address:

Internet Connections

A socket is an end point of a connection

  • Web servers typically use port 80, and email servers use port 25.

  • Web service is http, and the well-known name for email is smtp.

  • The mapping between well-known names and well-known ports is contained in a file called /etc/services.

This pair of socket addresses is known as a socket pair and is denoted by the tuple

(*cliaddr*:*cliport*, *servaddr*:*servport*)

The Sockets Interface

  • A set of functions in conjuction with Unix I/O functions
  • Implemented by UCB
  /* IP socket address structure */
  struct sockaddr_in  {
    uint16_t        sin_family;  /* Protocol family (always AF_INET) */
    uint16_t        sin_port;    /* Port number in network byte order */
    struct in_addr  sin_addr;    /* IP address in network byte order */
    unsigned char   sin_zero[8]; /* Pad to sizeof(struct sockaddr) */
/* Generic socket address structure (for connect, bind, and accept) */
struct sockaddr {
        uint16_t  sa_family;    /* Protocol family */
        char      sa_data[14];  /* Address data  */

Create Socket Descriptor

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
int socket(int domain, int type, int protocol);

clientfd = Socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);

This end point socket in client side is not opened yet.

Call Connect Function

#include <sys/socket.h>
int connect(int clientfd, const struct sockaddr *addr,
            socklen_t addrlen);

Establish an Internet connection with server

resulting connection is characterized by the socket pair

 (x:y, addr.sin_addr:addr.sin_port)
// x is client IP, y is ephemeral port

Call bind/listen/accept Function

These socket functions are used by servers to establish connections with clients.

#include <sys/socket.h>
int bind(int sockfd, const struct sockaddr *addr,
         socklen_t addrlen);
// The bind function asks the kernel to associate the server’s socket address in addr with the socket descriptor sockfd.
int listen(int sockfd, int backlog);
int accept(int listenfd, struct sockaddr *addr, int *addrlen);

socket address:

  • TCP/IP creates the socket address as an identifier that is unique throughout all Internet networks
  • TCP/IP concatenates the Internet address of the local host interface with the port number to devise the Internet socket address.

file descriptor:

  • a unique identifier for a file or other input/output resource, such as a pipe or network socket.
  • Typically have non-negative integer values, with negative values being reserved to indicate "no value" or error conditions


Kinds of Object Files

  • Relocatable File (.o), Generate by Compilers + Assembler

  • Executable Object File (a.out file), by Linkers, can be copied into memory and execute

  • Shared Object File (.so file), can be loaded into memory and linked dynamically

Kinds of Symbol Types

  • Global Symbol: defined by module m, correspond to nonstatic function and variable defined by module m
  • External Symbol: defined by other module, correspond to nonstatic function and variable outside
  • Local Symbol: static C function and static variable, cannot be referecened by other module

Resolve Duplicate Symbol Names

  • Strong symbol: functions and initialized global
  • Weak symbol: Uninitialized global variables

Rules of Compiler

  • No multiple Strong
  • Pick 1 Strong among weak
  • Randomly pick 1 weak from all weak

Memory Hierachy

Cache Hit

Program need object data d from level k + 1, the cache at level k happen to hold this data

Cache Miss

Program need object data d from level k + 1, the cache at level k does not hold this data

  • Process of overwriting an existing block is called replacing or evicting
  • The behavior of evicting would be governed by cache replacement policy

Empty cache is also called cold cache, the miss is called compulsory miss or cold miss

Restrictive Placement Policy

For example, element in level k + 1 use index mod 4 to place to level k

But conflict miss would happen, if you constantly access to index 0 and index 8

If cache capacity < working set,(e.g. a loop use 2 virarble but cache can only contain 1) then performance will be damaged, called capacity misses

Cache Management

Software and Hardware both can manage cache

  • Registers: by compiler
  • L1, L2, L3 Caches, managed by hardware logic on CPU
  • DRAM main memory: serves as "cache" for disks, by OS + address hardware on CPU
  • AFS, serves as local disk cache, by AFS client process on local machine

Cache Memory Access Time

  • L1 cache : 4 clock cycles
  • L2 cache: 10 clock cycles
  • L3 cache: 50 clock cycles

Cache Organization

(S, E, B, m)

M = 2 ^ m, M unique address represent by m bits,

S = 2 ^ s, number of sets

B = 2 ^ b, bytes one block can represent

Each block contains

  • tag, t = m - s - b, 2 b
  • valid bit
  • b bits of information

C(capacity) = S * E * B

Why Cache use middle-bits to index?

By doing that, cache can contain contigous data in the memory, ultilize the benefit of spatial locality!


  • Temporal Locatlity: repeatly reference the same variable
  • Spatial Locality: sequentially fetch the nearby elements
  • Loops: have good temporal, spatial and instruction fetches

Reference Pattern

  • Stride-1 reference pattern: To visit each element of a vector sequentially
  • Stride-k reference pattern: To visit every kth elemtn of a contiguous vector
  • Stride increases, spatial locality decreases

Program Optimization


  • Avoid stupid operation
  • Unrolling Loop + Prallel Calculation
  • Predict Branching

Machine Level Programming

Variable - Size Stack Frames

%rbp original value will first stored by the callee by:

pushq %rbp

Then %rbp will store the value %rsp, because the size of stack is uncertain

movq %rsp, %rbp

After the function the done, the last two things are:

Set %rsp point to where store the %rbpvalue

movq %rbp, %rsp

Then pop the value back to %rbp, but notice that the %rsp will also increase 8 by popqoperation

popq %rbp

Finally %rsppoint at the return address, retwill make the rippoint to this address and return to the calleraddress

Buffer Overflow Attack

Attack Methods:

  1. Example ingets(), input more chars than it can hold, then overwrite the return address
  2. Using nop sled to make the program counter jump to many "nop" instruction, and finally excutate attacker's code nop is short for "no operation".

Agaisnt Buffer Overflow Attack Methods:

  1. Randomlization to the programm starting address (and other part)
  2. Mark portions of code in memory from input only "readable" but not "excutable"
  3. Set a canary as checker beyond called function

Memory Model on x86-64 Machine : Byte-Orientated

  • 1 address location store 1 byte of data

  • 8 bytes in the same line

Segmentation fault

Segmentation fault is a specific kind of error caused by accessing memory that “does not belong to you.”

A common way to get a segfault is to dereference a null pointer:

int *p = NULL;
*p = 1;


  • x86-64 architechture uses little-endianness, while TCP/IP network use big-endianness

  • little-endianness refers to the byte ordering where the least significant byte is stored first.

For example, 0x12345678 store in memory with little-endianness is:

78 56 34 12

Another example, to store an array

int a[] = {0x12345678, 0x9abcdef0};
0x00: 78 56 34 12
0x04: f0 de bc 9a

Why Little-endianess is good for computer:

// In the case of 64 bit compilers, long long is the same size as long. They are both 8 bytes.
unsigned long long x = 0x0000000000000042;
unsigned long long * x_p = &x;
unsigned int * y_p = (unsigned int *)x_p;
unsigned int y = *y_p;
printf("y = %#.8x\n", y); // prints in hex with '0x' and with all leading zeros

Assume y and x all points to 0x00 in adress

0x00: 42 00 00 00
0x04: 00 00 00 00

We get exactly what you would expect to get: y = 0x00000042, even we do a "pointer down cast"

Programm Encoding

linux> gcc -0g -o p p1.c p2.c
  1. C Preprocesssor expand Macro, add code from file that concluded by source file with #include, generate p1.i p2.i
  2. Compiler generate assembly file p1.s, p2.s
  3. Assembler convert them to object file p1.o p2.o, which is binary
  4. Linker merge the two file, along with code of function (e.g. printf) to the executable file "p" as sepcifed with -o p

GCC command option

  • -S: compile, then stop
  • -c: compile and assemble
  • -Og, -O1, O2: Compile and optimized code with level g, 1, 2...

objdump Usage


objdump -d ctarget > asm_ctarget.txt

to disassmble binary file and store the result to txt file

Instruction Convention on Registers

  • 1-2 Bytes Operation, leave other bits unchanged
  • 4 Bytes Operation, set upper bits to zero

Registers Convention

In the assembly syntax accepted by gcc, register names are always prefixed with %. All of these registers are 64 bits wide.

The register file is as follows:

Register Purpose Saved across calls
%rax temp register; return value No
%rbx callee-saved Yes
%rcx used to pass 4th argument to functions No
%rdx used to pass 3rd argument to functions No
%rsp stack pointer Yes
%rbp callee-saved; base pointer Yes
%rsi used to pass 2nd argument to functions No
%rdi used to pass 1st argument to functions No
%r8 used to pass 5th argument to functions No
%r9 used to pass 6th argument to functions No
%r10-r11 temporary No
%r12-r15 callee-saved registers Yes

For the code generation phase of the project you will not be performing register allocation. You should use %r10 and %r11 for temporary values that you load from the stack.

Caller-saved and Callee-saved

Caller-saved registers (AKA volatile registers, or call-clobbered) are used to hold temporary quantities that need not be preserved across calls.

For that reason, it is the caller's responsibility to push these registers onto the stack or copy them somewhere else if it wants to restore this value after a procedure call.

It's normal to let a call destroy temporary values in these registers, though.

Callee-saved registers (AKA non-volatile registers, or call-preserved) are used to hold long-lived values that should be preserved across calls.

When the caller makes a procedure call, it can expect that those registers will hold the same value after the callee returns, making it the responsibility of the callee to save them and restore them before returning to the caller. Or to not touch them.

Floating Point

Floating Point IEEE Expression: $$V = (-1)^S M 2 ^E$$

S: Sign, determine whether it's positive or negative

M: Significand, also called Mantissa, $M \neq frac$

E: Exponent, weights value by power of 2, $E \neq exp$

$$Bias = 2^{(k-1)} - 1$$, K is number of exponent bits

  • Single precision:127
  • Double precision: 1023

Denormalized Numbers

$ M = 0.xxxx$

$$ E = 1 - Bias$$

Denormalized Numbers are designed to represent the values who are very close to 0

Normalized Numbers

$ M = 1.xxxx$

$$E = Exp - Bias$$

Sepcial Values


$Exp = 1111..11$


$Frac = 000..00$


$Frac \neq 000..00$

Decimal Rounding

  • Toward Zero
  • Round Down($-\infty$)
  • Round Up($+\infty$)
  • Nearest Even (default by IEEE, Statistically Wise)

E.g. 1.4 -> 1, 1.6 -> 2, 1.5 ->2(nearest even for 1.5 is 2), 2.5 -> 2

Binary Rounding

  • "Even" whe last significant bit = 0
  • "Half Way" when bits to right is 100..s

E.g. 10.00|101 -> 10.01 10.00|011 -> 10.00


  • S: s1 ^ s2
  • M: M1 * M2
  • E: E1 + E2


Basic Idea: get binary points lined up


C guarantees Two Levels

double // double precision, 53 bits in frac
float  // single precision, 23 bits in frac

double/float -> int:

Truncates and rounding

int -> double

Exact conversion, since int has 32-bits <= 53 of double's precision bits

int -> float

Will round! 32 bits > 23 of float single precision


Bit Operation

When shifting an unsigned value, the >> operator in C is a logical shift. When shifting a signed value, the >> operator is an arithmetic shift


Reading notes recorded by Akiyama on book Computer System: A Programmer's Perspective






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