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How to create multiple worksheets into a workbook

Mathias Rangel Wulff edited this page Sep 30, 2016 · 2 revisions

How to create multiple worksheets into a workbook?

This is how to prepare a single sheet of data.

    var data = [];
    alasql('SELECT * INTO XLSX ("mydata.xlsx", { headers:true }) FROM ?', data);

To export multisheet workbook use this code:

    var data1 = [{a:1,b:10},{a:2,b:20}];
    var data2 = [{a:100,b:10},{a:200,b:20}];
    var opts = [{sheetid:'One',header:true},{sheetid:'Two',header:false}];
    var res = alasql('SELECT INTO XLSX("restest344b.xlsx",?) FROM ?',[opts,[data1,data2]],

You can try this example in jsFiddle.

Please note, that by some reason AlaSQL uses this syntax SELECT FROM without star inside. This syntax is equvalent to SELECT COLUMN _ FROM, that different from SELECT * FROM, because second syntax creates new objects on the base of data.

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