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Laravel Image Layer Builder

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This package allows to merge small images onto a background, in addition to add texts to the background. Under the hood the package uses Intervention/v2/Image to perform the generation.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require aland20/image-layer-builder
  • Publish config file
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Aland20\ImageLayerBuilder\ImageLayerBuilderServiceProvider"


  • Note: You have to set a custom font otherwise, you may not be able to use font size or other font properties.

  • Checkout Intervention/v2/Image::text for more information.

  • You may want to customize the background and image resize as you desire.

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Aland20\ImageLayerBuilder\ImageLayerBuilder;

class ImageController extends Controller

    public function generate(Request $request)
        $avatar = $request->file('avatar');
        $logo = $request->file('logo');
        $text = $request->text;

        $output = ImageLayerBuilder::make()
            // Set the background, it must be a valid full file name in the bgDirPath. Also, you may dynamically set it via requests.
            // You may set the width and height for the background to resize. Default is 1200x750
            // Add an image for the avatar, you may want to set the width and height resize,  positions, X-axis, Y-axis and many more as well.
            ->addImage($avatar, widthResize: 125, heightResize: 125, border: [3, '#fff'])
            // You may add more than one image on top of the background and change the position
            ->addImage($logo, rounded: false, position: 'bottom-right')
            // Add Text to the background, you may give some offset to get into the range
            ->addText('Welcome', position: 'bottom-center', offsetY: 25, angle: 25)
            // Add Text to the background, position starts from center
            ->addText($text, 'center', offsetY: -150)
            // Generate the instance
        // Save to file
        $filename = $output->saveToFile();

        // Return raw stream data in string
        $rawStream = $output->getRawStream();

        return response($rawStream)->header('Content-type', 'image/png');
  • You may want to return all the available background to show it in frontend
use Aland20\ImageLayerBuilder;

$backgrounds = ImageLayerBuilder::make()->getBackgrounds();

foreach($backgrounds as $background):
    echo $background['path']; // background image file with extension
    echo $background['name']; // background image file without extension


Available Public Methods

     * Make a new instance statically, with default constructor values
    public static function make(
        string $bgDirPath = '',
        string $outputPath = '',
        string $tempPath = ''
    ): static {}

   * Set background directory path to find all the available backgrounds.
  public function setBgDirPath(string $bgDirPath): static {}

   * Set output directory path to store the output file.
  public function setOutputPath(string $outputPath): static {}

   * Set temporary directory path to store temporary files.
   * This will be cleaned up after generation.
  public function setTempPath(string $tempPath): static {}

   * Set the background width to resize.
  public function resizeBackgroundWidth(int $width): static {}

   * Set the background heght to resize.
  public function resizeBackgroundHeight(int $height): static {}

   * return all available background file names in the background types directory
  public function getBackgrounds(): array {}

   * Set the background. This has to be an image that exists in the bigDirPath dir
  public function setBackground(string $background): static {}

   * Set custom font path
  public function setCustomFont(string $fontPath): static {}

   * Add an image on top of the background including X-axis and Y-axis positions from center
   * Available positions are: left, right, center, top, bottom, including top-left combinations
   * This can be called more than once.
   * Accepts the following data for the image image,
   * string - Path of the image in filesystem.
   * string - URL of an image (allow_url_fopen must be enabled).
   * string - Binary image data.
   * string - Data-URL encoded image data.
   * string - Base64 encoded image data.
   * resource - PHP resource of type gd. (when using GD driver)
   * object - Imagick instance (when using Imagick driver)
   * object - Intervention\Image\Image instance
   * object - SplFileInfo instance (To handle Laravel file uploads via Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile)
   * The border is an array of [width, color]
  public function addImage(
    mixed $image,
    int $widthResize = 175,
    int $heightResize = 175,
    bool $rounded = true,
    string $position = 'center',
    int $posX = 0,
    int $posY = 0
  ): static {}

   * Add given text with the options to the background image.
   * This method can be called more than once.
  public function addText(
    string $text,
    string $position = 'top-center',
    int $offsetX = 0,
    int $offsetY = 0,
    int $fontSize = 32,
    string $color = '#fdf6e3',
    int $angle = 0
  ): static {

   * Generate background image
  public function generate(): static {}

   * Exports the generated background image to a file with given format
  public function saveToFile(?string $filename = ''): string

   * Return the background image stream content.
  public function getOutputStream(): \GdImage {}

   * Return the background image stream content.
  public function getRawStream(): string {}


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

Laravel Package Boilerplate

This package was generated using the Laravel Package Boilerplate.