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Nabla jenkins-pipeline-scripts

License: APACHE License: MIT Gitter Join the chat at Minimal java version

Jenkins Version Build Status

Main Workflow Docker Workflow Trivy

GitHub release (latest SemVer)

Codecov GitHub pull requests Docker Pulls

Table of contents

// spell-checker:disable

// spell-checker:enable

NOTE: This repository is being deprecated internally at Nabla and hence will receive few updates going forward.


direnv allow
pyenv install 3.10.4
pyenv local 3.10.4
python -m pipenv install --dev --ignore-pipfile
direnv allow
pre-commit install


This repository contains helper functions and classes to be used with the Jenkins Pipeline Plugin. This repository is used on and other Jenkins instances managed by Nabla.

Below feature have been removed on purpose

To use this library from your Jenkinsfile, make sure you have installed the GitHub Organization Folder in version 1.5 or later, then start off with:

@Library('jenkins-pipeline-scripts@master') _

OR (if jenkins is managing the version, the preferred way)

@Library('jenkins-pipeline-scripts') _

In jenkins


  • Set Load implicitly to false
  • Allow default version to be overridden to true
  • Include @Library changes in job recent changes


Within Repository -> Discover branches Additional -> Wipe out repository & force clone

See Extending with Shared Libraries for more information on Jenkins pipeline extensions.

See also Best Practices For Pipeline Code

Run test

./mvnw -Dtest=TestSharedLibrary test


Build and Run



$ docker build -t groovy-test .
#You can reproduce issue `Conflicting module versions. Module [groovy-all is loaded in version 2.4.8 and you are trying to load version 2.4.12` with
$ docker run -it groovy-test:latest


cheatsheet conventions

Install microk8s

Make docker image available to microk8s

$docker save nabla/jenkins-pipeline-scripts:1.0.3 > jenkins.tar
$microk8s ctr image import jenkins.tar

$microk8s ctr images ls

Create jenkins namespace

$k apply -f jenkins-namespace.yaml

Add deployment

k config get-contexts
k config use-context microk8s
$ #k delete pods --all
#k delete -f jenkins-deployment.yaml
$k apply -f jenkins-deployment-local.yaml -n jenkins

$k get deployments jenkins-master -n jenkins --watch
$k describe pod -n jenkins | grep jenkins
#stop deployement
$k scale --replicas=0 deployment/jenkins-master -n jenkins

Copy volume data

cp -r /jenkins/* /mnt/jenkins
chown -R albandrieu:docker /mnt/jenkins

Add service

$k create -f jenkins-service.yaml -n jenkins
$k get service -n jenkins
$k logs jenkins-master-7b49df974d-kzlrg -n jenkins


Check nfs

Add PersistentVolume

$k create -f jenkins-pvc.yaml -n jenkins
$k get pvc pvc-jenkins-home -n jenkins
$k create -f jenkins-volume.yaml -n jenkins
$k get pv jenkins-pv-volume -n jenkins

#k describe pv  -n jenkins
$k exec -it jenkins-master-7b49df974d-kzlrg -n jenkins -- /bin/bash


$k create serviceaccount jenkins-account -n jenkins
$k get serviceaccounts jenkins-account -o yaml  -n jenkins
$k get secret jenkins-token-2dmg9 -o yaml  -n jenkins


$k apply -f jenkins-resourcequota.yaml -n jenkins
$k apply -f jenkins-role.yaml -f jenkins-serviceaccount.yaml -f jenkins-rolebinding.yaml -n jenkins
$k apply -f jenkins-deployment.yaml -n jenkins

$k get pods -n jenkins
$k -n jenkins port-forward jenkins-master-7b49df974d-kzlrg 8080:8080

$k get svc -n jenkins

See dns-debugging-resolution

$k get pods --namespace=kube-system -l k8s-app=kube-dns

$k -n kube-system describe configmap/coredns
$#Add before google DNS
$k -n kube-system edit configmap coredns

Add k8s jenkins-account to jenkins set-up-jenkins-in-a-kubernetes-cluster

$kubectl get secret $(kubectl get sa jenkins-account -n jenkins -o jsonpath={.secrets[0].name}) -n jenkins -o jsonpath={.data.token} | base64 --decode
$kubectl config view --minify | grep server | cut -f 2- -d ":" | tr -d " "
$kubectl get secret $(kubectl get sa jenkins-account -n jenkins -o jsonpath={.secrets[0].name}) -n jenkins -o jsonpath={.data.'ca\.crt'} | base64 --decode

Add k8s proxy

k get pod -n jenkins
k port-forward -n jenkins jenkins-master-6868bb694-m4jhb 8080:8080

TODO : Have proper DNS service

http://jenkins-master.jenkins.svc.cluster.local mon-service.mon-namespace.svc.cluster.local


See Extending environment variables with Shared Libraries

Graph dependency

dot -Tps draftStage.gv -o
dot -Tpng draftStage.gv -o draftStage.png
dot -Tsvg draftStage.gv -o draftStage.svg

terraform graph | grep -v -e 'meta' -e 'close' -e 's3' -e 'vpc' -e 'expand' | dot -Tpng > terraform.png



Maven mvn clean deploy will be started by default if pom.xml file exists and a sonar scan will be started using sonar-maven-plugin...


Sonar will be started by default on maven projects.

sonar-maven-plugin. is the preferred way to run sonar. Otherwise sonarscanner can be used.

If file exists a sonarscanner can be started... sonarscanner is the preferred way for C++/ObjectiveC and Python projects.

Folder Structure Conventions

Folder structure options and naming conventions for software projects

A typical top-level directory layout

├── docs                    # Documentation files (alternatively `doc`)
docker                      # Deprectated, using packs/Dockerfile instead
docker-compose              # Put docker-compose files
├── src                     # Source files (alternatively `lib` or `app`)
├── resources               # Resources for jenkins
├── vars                    # Groovy scripts for jenkins
bower.json                  # Bower not build directly, using maven instead
Dockerfile                  # Deprectated, using packs/Dockerfile instead
Jenkinsfile-checkmarx       # Will run Checkmarx scan
Jenkinsfile-aqua            # Will run WhiteSource. Aqua as standalone scan
package.json                # Nnpm not build directly, using maven instead
pom.xml                     # Will run maven clean install
requirements.testing.txt    # Python package used for test and build only
requirements.txt            # Python package used for production only
tox.ini    # Will run sonar standalone scan
├── target                  # Compiled files (alternatively `dist`) for maven
└── test                    # Automated tests

├── ...
├── test                    # Test files
│   ├── e2e                 # End-to-end, integration tests (alternatively `e2e`)
│   karma.conf.js
│   ├── postman             # API tests for postman
│   protractor.conf.js
│   └── spec                # Karma unit tests
└── ...

docker-compose irectory is used only to test project in jenkins
├── ...
├── docker-compose          # Docker compose files
│   docker-compose.yml
│  # For developper (with port open)
│ # For production such as jenkins
│   docker-compose.test.yml # For tests such as newman, robot
└── ...

docker irectory is used only to build project
├── ...
├── docker                  # Docker files used to build project
│   ├── centos7             # End-to-end, integration tests (alternatively `e2e`)
│   ├── ubuntu18            # End-to-end, integration tests (alternatively `e2e`)
│   └── ubuntu20
│       Dockerfile          # File to build
│       config.yaml         # File to run CST
└── ...

├── ...
├── docs                    # Documentation files
│   ├── index.rst           # Table of contents
│   ├── faq.rst             # Frequently asked questions
│   ├── misc.rst            # Miscellaneous information
│   ├── usage.rst           # Getting started guide
│   └── ...                 # etc.
└── ...

├── ...
├── packs                    # Files used to build docker image and chart
│   config.yaml              # File to run CST
│   Dockerfile               # File to build docker image
│   └── newman               # Name of the helm chart
│       └── charts
│           Chart.yaml
│           └── templates
│               deployment.yaml
│               └── tests
│                   test-connection.yaml
│           values.yaml
└── ...

Update documentation

mvn gplus:groovydoc
# or
mvn site

Maven site and groovy doc will be published with jenkins build then are the default entry points.


npx mega-linter-runner

Check secret

npx @secretlint/quick-start "**/*"


npm install --save markdown-toc
markdown-toc  -i
pre-commit install
git add
pre-commit run markdown-toc

npm-groovy-lint groovy formating for Jenkinsfile

Tested with nodejs 12 and 16 on ubuntu 20 and 21 (not working with nodejs 11 and 16)

npm install -g npm-groovy-lint@8.2.0
npm-groovy-lint --format
ls -lrta .groovylintrc.json