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Process MusicXML Files

Albert Hart edited this page Jun 12, 2020 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the Process MusicXML Files wiki!

Process MusicXML Files is a set of Javascript Routines which can be used to automatically make changes to MusicXML files.

MusicXML is a standard open format for exchanging digital sheet music. It is designed for sharing sheet music files between applications, and for archiving sheet music files for use in the future. As of this publication date it is supported by over 200 applications. Many notation applications such as Sibelius and Musescore can read and write their scores in MusicXML format. Process MusicXML Files can make modifications to the files which can the be reused in many applications. See the MusicXML GitHUB repository at:

Each function, such as Transpose, Add Bass, and Trim can also be integrated other MusicXML applications such as OSMD - Open Sheet Music Display. OSMD is an Open Source JavaScript engine to display MusicXML using VexFlow. See the OSMD GitHUB repository at

You can also the Process MusicXML Files Library Routines to create stand-alone MusicXML modification applications. Reading a musicxml file, transposing or modifying it, and re-writing the file for use in OSMD or other tools which can read MUsicXML file.

If you would like to try it out, visit our website which demonstrates all the functions:

If you would like to make suggestions, participate in development, etc. make a post on our GitHUB issues tab:

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