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Beamer LaTeX template

A Beamer LaTeX template for presentations. This is a modified version of another template from the University of Aalborg, Denmark. The original authors are Jesper Kjær Nielsen and Till Tantau, respectively, for the inner and outer themes.

I have been modifying this template since my Bachelor's thesis defense. To see a final result using this template, I have included, as an example, the slides of our recent work Linear Theory of Hypersonic Shocks Interacting with Turbulence in Air presented in 2023 AIAA SciTech Forum, National Harbor, USA. DOI: 10.2514/6.2023-0075.

  • Compiler: pdfLaTeX

NOTE: This example includes how to index animations in a PDF file (requires Adobe Reader)

Original template: aalborg-university-beamer-theme


For proper functionality, download the main.pdf file and open it with Adobe Reader.
