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Outlet power logging

Ben Hutchison edited this page May 29, 2023 · 1 revision

The following small C# program lets you log the power levels of the Kasa smart outlet over time. This will allow you to determine the values to use when configuring the minimumActiveMilliwatts and maximumIdleMilliwatts properties in LaundryDuty's appsettings.json file.

dotnet add package Kasa
using System.Text;
using Kasa;
using Timer = System.Threading.Timer;

using IKasaOutlet outlet = new KasaOutlet("", new Options { MaxAttempts = 1 });
using FileStream tsvFile = File.Open(Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.DesktopDirectory), "washingmachine-power.tsv"), FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write,
using StreamWriter tsvWriter = new(tsvFile, new UTF8Encoding(false, true));

CancellationTokenSource cts   = new();
DateTime                start = DateTime.Now;

WriteTsvLine(string.Join('\t', "elapsed_sec", "current_mA", "voltage_mV", "power_mW"));

Timer timer = new(async _ => {
    PowerUsage power = await outlet.EnergyMeter.GetInstantaneousPowerUsage();
    WriteTsvLine(string.Join('\t', (DateTime.Now - start).TotalSeconds.ToString("N0"), power.Current.ToString("N0"), power.Voltage.ToString("N0"), power.Power.ToString("N0")));
}, null, TimeSpan.Zero, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));

Console.CancelKeyPress += (_, _) => cts.Cancel();

void WriteTsvLine(string line) {

When you compile and run this program (with Visual Studio or dotnet run, it prints a tab-separated listing of the outlet's energy meter state to the console and to a file on your desktop once per second.

elapsed_sec	current_mA	voltage_mV	power_mW
0	0	122,559	403
1	0	122,559	0
2	0	122,559	0
3	0	122,559	0
4	0	122,559	0
5	9	122,559	0
6	9	122,482	0
7	9	122,482	0
8	9	122,482	0
9	9	122,482	0
10	9	122,482	475
11	9	122,482	475
12	0	122,482	475
13	0	122,482	475
14	0	122,536	475
15	0	122,536	475
16	0	122,536	475
17	0	122,536	475
18	0	122,536	475
19	0	122,536	0
20	0	122,536	0
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