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Chamonix - RoR web app for making appointments

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Ruby on Rails Web application for setting up meetings. You can join to already existing events or create your own.


  • Ruby version: 2.7.2
  • Rails versin: 6.1.3
  • Webpacker 5
  • Bootstrap 5
  • All photos and images uploads to AWS cloud storage (with carrierwave, rmagick and fog-aws gems)
  • PostgreSQL (for production)
  • Digital Ocean vps (using capistrano gem and capistrano associated gems for deployment)
  • Redis on vps
  • Currently the app has only russian language


  1. Clone the repo.
  2. Execute
$ bundle install
  1. Execute
$ rails db:migrate
  1. Install ImageMagick if you have not one: execute
$ sudo apt-get install libmagickwand-dev imagemagick
  1. Add your Mailjet parameters to .env file: MAILJET_API_KEY, MAILJET_SECRET_KEY and MAILJET_SENDER
  2. Create your own Google maps API key and add GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY parameter with its value to .env file.
  3. For uploading images (photos, avatars) make sure that you have your own AWS account. Create an Amazon S3 bucket for the app and add name of this bucket to S3_BUCKET_NAME. Use access key ID and secret access key of your IAM AWS account for adding S3_ACCESS_KEY and S3_SECRET_KEY respectively.
  4. Using developers Facebook page create an app in My apps where you must specify App Domains, Contact Email, Privacy Policy URL, than put + Add Platform and choose Web where include your own website (you should have your own website or create another free analogues, on Heroku for example) at Site URL. Create 1 app for development environment and 1 app for production environment, than use App IDs for FB_APP_ID_DEV and FB_APP_ID_PROD, App Secret for FB_APP_SECRET_DEV and FB_APP_SECRET_PROD respectively.
  5. Using developers VKontakte page specify Website address, Base domain and First API request. Create 1 app for development environment and 1 app for production environment, than use App IDs for VK_APP_ID_DEV and VK_APP_ID_PROD, Secure key for VK_APP_SECRET_DEV and VK_APP_SECRET_PROD respectively.
  6. The app use RSpec test, so add your Facebook email, id, name and avatar link to MY_FB_EMAIL, MY_FB_ID, MY_FB_NAME and MY_FB_IMAGE respectively. For digging these parameters go to user.rb, add byebug to the 1 line of self.find_for_provider_oauth(access_token) method, execute
$ rails s


$ bin/webpack-dev-server

(in separate terminal windows), navigate to http://localhost:3000/users/sign_in in your browser, put on Вход через аккаунт Facebook, put access_token (in terminal window where rails s has been executed) and than find your parameters.
11. If you want to make deployment to your vps (Digital Ocean for example), make sure you have configured the vps with Ruby, Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, Redis, etc. and execute

$ bundle exec cap production deploy


Chamonix - RoR web app for making appointments







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