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Boilerplate for a serverless framework service.

About 📖

The project includes a basic serverless framework setup with TypeScript support as well as linting and formatting configuration.

AWS resources are provisioned using CloudFormation templates located in resources directory.

IAM permissions for lambdas are managed using serverless-iam-roles-per-function plugin by adding role statements to iam-role-statements directory.

This is not meant to be a base for an entire project but rather a simple service within a relatively small project. The template also doesn't make any assumptions about the kind of service that will be built on top of it. So whether you are building an api using api gateway or appsync or only doing background processing you don't need to remove a bunch of stuff you don't need.

Getting started ⚙️

Create .env file by filling the missing values from .env.template and run the following command:

yarn install
yarn deploy

License ⚖️


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