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Aleksandr Rogov edited this page Jul 15, 2023 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the DynamicsWebApi wiki!

This wiki is automatically generated using typedoc and typedoc-plugin-markdown. To be honest, the result of this generated documentation is not very easy to follow and it would be great to find a different way to generate documentation. If you know any "Type Declaration" to "Markdown" document generator - let me know.

DynamicsWebApi v2 - API documentation

A couple of notes here: typedoc does not support TypeScript 5.x yet, so declarations of some methods will be shown as properties. Those include: callAction, callFunction, search, suggest, autocomplete. At this moment, I cannot do anything with it but wait until typedoc starts supporting newer versions of TypeScript.

DynamicsWebApi v1 - API documentation

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