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Back-end repository / web service for my blog sharing social media website using NodeJS/Express, MongoDB & Mongoose /

  • Express back-end for a blog sharing mini social media site. The project follows best practices regarding folder structure and uses REST-ful API standards for serving data.


  • Integration testing was implemented using JEST and the Supertest package.
  • Tests can be found in /tests/blog.test.js alongside the helper test functions which allow us to test our application in almost any way we want.
  • Basic API testing was also done using Postman
  • Linting was setup using ESlint


  • Contains all of our relevant routes and resources


  • Contains the shape and full validation of our Mongoose objects ( User and Blog )


  • Contains a lot of our logic and utility functions/middlewares.
  • config.js sets up all of our enviroment variables, ports, and secrets from our .env file
  • logger.js contains a more concise way of displaying informational or error messages throughout our app.
  • rateLimitMiddleware.js contains a rate limiter for our app using the express-rate-limit package. Currently it is setup as a global route limiter, ensuring our application can't be infinitely spammed/brute-forced with requests.


  • middleware.js contains most of our important middlewares, such as a requestLogger which displays basic information for every incoming request.
  • getTokenFrom which is a function used to resolve token in requests
  • userExtractorMiddleware which runs on our protected / authenticated routes, and finds out which User is making the request.
  • unknownEndpoint which handles unknown endpoint requests.
  • errorHandler which is the first error-handler in our app, handles our potential errors by the property


  • handles the biggest part of our app logic, establishes a connection to our database, and handles middleware ordering.


  • Starts the express application using app.listen, and listens for requests on our designated PORT

User authentication / App security

  • When a user is creating an account, a strong minimum 15 character password with atleast: 1 capital letter, 1 number and 1 special character is enforced.

  • All of our inputs/forms are sanitized/validated both on the front-end repository, and this one, using mongoose and the mongoose-unique-validator package

  • Passwords are hashed and salted/encrypted using the bycrypt package.

  • When a user attempts to log in, we first make sure the password is correct using function. If the credentials are good, the user will receive back a JSON web token which has a 1 hour expiry date, and contains his username and id. The front-end will then be able to work with the authenticated user and his information.

  • Each token is signed/checked against our secret variable.

  • When working with JSON web tokens XSS attacks(cross-site-scripting, malicious script injections) are always a cause for concern. In order to best secure my application and prevent those attacks, our app uses the 'helmet` package which is recommended by Express to mitigate some well-known web vulnerabilities by setting HTTP headers appropriately, including cross-site scripting attacks.


REST-api back-end for my blog posting app.






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