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GetConfiguration( )

Alex-Kent edited this page Apr 6, 2019 · 5 revisions

%configuation = $index->GetConfiguration( );
Returns the running configuration of the Geo::Index object.

The return value is a hash with the following entries:

  • key_type - The key type in use:

    'text' for text keys (e.g. '12:345,6789')

    'numeric' for 64-bit numeric keys

    'packed' for 64-bit numeric keys packed into an 8-byte string

  • supported_code_types - The types of keys that can be used
    Value is a reference to a list of supported key types (as given above).

  • code_type - The type of back-end code in use:

    'perl' for Perl functions

    'float' for C functions mostly using float values.

    'double' for C functions mostly using double values.

  • supported_code_types - The types of low-level code that can be used
    Value is a reference to a list of supported code types (as given above).

  • levels - Number of levels in index (excluding the global level)

  • planetary_radius - Average planetary radius (in meters)

  • polar_circumference - Polar circumference (in meters)

  • equatorial_circumference - Equatorial circumference (in meters)

  • size - Number of points currently indexed

  • tile_meters - Size in meters (at the equator) of each tile at the most-detailed level of index

See also GetStatistics( ) and examples/