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Releases: Alex1304/ultimategdbot

UltimateGDBot 8.0.3

16 May 23:51
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🐞 Bug fixes

  • Fix Weekly demon notification showing the Daily level icon
  • Removed references to leaderboards from /account status command
  • Add a temporary fix for the difficulty icon sometimes failing to upload when announcing a new rated level

UltimateGDBot 8.0.2

12 May 20:04
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🐞 Bug fixes

  • Fix song showing Unknown Song if the server doesn't return the download URL for a Newgrounds song
  • Fix translations not being applied when changing server language

⚙️ Other changes

  • Platformer levels will now just show PLAT. instead of PLATFORMER
  • Zero time spent in editor now shows "0s" instead of "0ms"
  • Completed gauntlets no longer shows values for Platformer
  • Translations have been updated. Currently supported languages:
    • 🇫🇷 French
    • 🇨🇿 Czech
    • 🇩🇪 German
    • 🇮🇹 Italian
    • 🇰🇷 Korean
    • 🇵🇱 Polish
    • 🇵🇹 Portuguese
    • 🇷🇺 Russian
    • 🇪🇸 Spanish
    • 🇹🇷 Turkish

UltimateGDBot 8.0.1

11 May 15:41
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🐞 Bug fixes

  • Fix /daily and /weekly crashing due to missing icon assets. Whoops

UltimateGDBot 8.0.0

11 May 15:13
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This update makes UltimateGDBot finally compatible with Geometry Dash 2.2!

Note that level lists have not been added yet, that will be the subject of the next feature release.

⭐ New features

  • /level:
    • Difficulty icons are now dynamically generated from original game assets; they can now display moons, legendary and mythic ratings.
    • Shows extra info such as whether LDM is available, time spent in editor, whether it's 2-Player mode, number of songs and SFX used.
    • In search results list view, level ID is now shown
  • /profile:
    • Shows moons
    • Shows Leaderboard Moderator status
    • It is now able to generate 2.2 icon sets including all new icons, colors, swing and jetpack gamemodes
    • The global rank now uses accurate trophy emoji
    • Add a new command option show-completed-levels that makes the profile show completed levels (if available) when enabled
  • /mod-list: Shows Leaderboard Moderators.

⚙️ Other changes

  • The /leaderboard command has been removed. This command has originally been made in a time when in-game leaderboards were broken, so this command required added complexity that is difficult to maintain today. It may return in a later update, but it will have to undergo a complete revamp first.
  • The /set-language command has been removed. The language is now automatically selected according to the main language of the server declared in Server Settings. In DMs, it will use the client language of the user.
  • /level and /profile will show a more concise "No results found" error message if the query gives no results.

🌍 Looking for translators

Translated text have not been updated in this version, if you want to contribute to translating UltimateGDBot, feel free to join the Crowdin project:

📝 Notes for self-hosting

  • Make sure to use the latest emoji pack. All emojis representing featured and epic difficulty icons have been removed, so you may remove them from your server as well

  • Commands that require bot owner privileges (/gd-events, /blacklist, etc) are no longer deployed globally along with other commands. In the config.json file, in the interaction block, add private_commands_guild_id to define in which guild the bot-owner specific commands will be deployed:

    "interaction": {
        "private_commands_guild_id": 357655103768887297
  • In the ultimategdbot > gd > events block, lb_mod and lb_unmod keys have been added, it is important to add them or else the bot will not start:

    "public_random_messages": {
        "rates": [
            "A new level has just been rated on Geometry Dash!!!"
        "unrates": [
            "This level just got un-rated from Geometry Dash..."
        "daily": [
            "There is a new Daily level on Geometry Dash!!!"
        "weekly": [
            "There is a new Weekly demon on Geometry Dash!!!"
        "mod": [
            "A user has been promoted to Geometry Dash moderator!"
        "elder_mod": [
            "A user has been promoted to Geometry Dash Elder moderator!"
        "lb_mod": [
            "A user has been promoted to Geometry Dash Leaderboard moderator!"
        "unmod": [
            "A user has been demoted from Geometry Dash moderator..."
        "elder_unmod": [
            "A user has been demoted from Geometry Dash Elder moderator..."
        "lb_unmod": [
            "A user has been demoted from Geometry Dash Leaderboard moderator..."
    "dm_random_messages": {
        "rates": [
            "Congratulations for getting your level rated!"
        "unrates": [
            "Your level has been un-rated..."
        "daily": [
            "Congratulations for getting the Daily level!"
        "weekly": [
            "Congratulations for getting the Weekly demon!"
        "mod": [
            "Congratulations! You have been promoted to Geometry Dash moderator!"
        "elder_mod": [
            "Congratulations! You have been promoted to Geometry Dash Elder moderator!"
        "lb_mod": [
            "Congratulations! You have been promoted to Geometry Dash Leaderboard moderator!"
        "unmod": [
            "Oh snap! You have been demoted from Geometry Dash moderator..."
        "elder_unmod": [
            "Oh snap! You have been demoted from Geometry Dash Elder moderator..."
        "lb_unmod": [
            "Oh snap! You have been demoted from Geometry Dash Leaderboard moderator..."

    By the way it is now possible to delete the dm_random_messages block entirely if you want to disable rate notifications in DMs.

UltimateGDBot 7.1.2

23 Jul 14:24
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🐞 Bug fixes

  • Fixed last page of mod list being inaccessible

⚙️ Other changes

  • New language supported: Korean

UltimateGDBot 7.1.1

02 Jan 22:28
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Hotfix update to add separate option for Demons and non-Demons for the /follow command.

UltimateGDBot 7.1.0

02 Jan 22:26
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⭐ New Features

  • New command: /follow. This command enables an alternative way to follow announcement channels from the GD Notification Center server. Instead of joining the server and manually following announcement channels, you can use this command and the bot will follow the channels for you. Requires both the bot and the user of the command to have Manage Webhooks permission in the target channel.

⚙️ Other changes

  • Updated translations

📝 Notes for self-hosting

  • A new configuration key bot_announcements_channel_ids has been added in config.json inside ultimategdbot. It accepts an array, and allows you to specify zero, one or many channel IDs that the bot will follow when using /follow with the "UltimateGDBot Announcements" option. The IDs must be announcement channels.

UltimateGDBot 7.0.2

28 Dec 18:42
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⚙️ Behavior changes

  • Leaderboard command now works again in large servers

🐞 Bug fixes

  • New rates should no longer display "-" as creator name when the creator name contains a space

UltimateGDBot 7.0.1

10 Nov 23:06
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⚙️ Behavior changes

  • The leaderboard command has been temporarily disabled in servers larger than 50k members. This is due to a bug in Discord4J that makes the bot unable to properly load member list of such large servers.
  • New languages supported: Spanish, Czech and Turkish

🐞 Bug fixes

  • Fix crash of user profile when it has invalid icons
  • Fix Daily level and Weekly demon displaying outdated information

UltimateGDBot 7.0.0

07 Nov 23:40
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The long-awaited v7 update of UltimateGDBot is finally here! Development has begun more than a year ago, during which the bot underwent both user-facing and internal changes that have contributed to make the bot significantly more robust and in line with the latest technologies and Discord features.

  • The internal structure of the bot application has been completely revamped. Previously, the bot's code used to be split between this repository, a "core" plugin, a "gd" plugin, and a "launcher". This split made the maintenance very complicated and turned out to be unnecessary for what I wanted to achieve. I originally wanted to make it so any developer could easily re-use components of the bot for their own bots, but I ended up making a dedicated framework for that, that you can find here if you are interested. Most of the work consisted of migrating the bot to use this framework instead of the old plugin architecture. As a result I was able to archive the other repositories and delete the extraneous Crowdin projects.
  • The aforementioned new structure allows to make self-hosting a LOT easier. Check out the self-hosting guide which was updated for v7.
  • The level request feature has unfortunately been removed. This decision was made after realizing the feature is generally underused and is no longer worth the resources required for its maintenance.
  • The bot has moved to Slash Commands. Discord is indeed pushing bot developers to use them instead of the regular text commands, starting April 2022 they will even restrict message content access for large bots, so there is no going back on this. Rest assured though, Slash Commands should be intuitive enough to use. Just type / and follow the autocomplete.
  • Reaction-based menus have been replaced with buttons, a new Discord feature available for bots alongside Slash Commands.
  • It is now possible to unlink your alternative Discord accounts that are linked to your GD account. If you have an old Discord account that is lost or deleted, you can now unlink it so it is no longer displayed in your profile. For that you just need to run the unlink command from an active Discord account linked to your GD account, and you will be able to choose which account(s) to unlink.
  • You can conveniently view a user profile or check mod status of any user on Discord by right-clicking them in Discord and using the context menu. Here is a GIF demonstrating how it works:
    Context menu profile GIF
  • Translations have been updated. Don't hesitate to join the Crowdin project and to assign yourself the Translator role in the official Discord server if you want to contribute to translations.