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SemNetCleaner 1.1.2

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@AlexChristensen AlexChristensen released this 28 Oct 15:36
· 218 commits to master since this release

Changes in version 1.1.2

o updates to documentation

o fixed obnoxious message bug in textcleaner function

o changed progress bar in spell.check.dictionary to display words done out of words in total (rather than percentage)

o updated citation (PsyArXiv)

o added vignettes for preprocessing and estimating semantic networks

Changes in version 1.1.1

o equate now handles any number of groups (equate.multi is defunct and merged into equate)

o added a group variable for the dataset 'open.animals'

o removed option to save appendix dictionary to package (not allowed by CRAN policies)

o added a general function to read in common types of data file extensions:

o updated textcleaner to bypass double query for adding a dictionary

o bug fixes in textcleaner and spell.check.dictionary

o updated singularize and pluralize rule sets

o removed autoConverge and autoDestr functions

o changed corr.chn to correct.changes

Changes in version 1.1.0

o cleaned up examples and removed unnecessary datasets ('convmat', 'rmat', and 'trial')

o updated spell.check.dictionary to automate continuous string selection when continuous response length is greater than maximum continuous string length in dictionary

o changed output to have quotes around words being asked to add into dictionary to decipher whether they are a string or separate words

o updated splitstr.check so responses are not repeated after they've been corrected. Also no longer asks to split responses that are in the dictionary (splits them automatically)

o updated word.check.wrapper so that 10 responses are always given if the original response is not auto-corrected

o added additional nested list called auto to spellcheck object in textcleaner and corr.chn functions, which includes only the incorrect responses changed during the spell-check

o fixed save dictionary bug in spell.check.dictionary

o added a response option called, 'CONTEXT' to the word.check.wrapper function to give greater context around a participant's response

o added third auto-correct function using hunspell_suggest function to the word.check.wrapper function

o updated functionality of code -- improved speed of several lines in textcleaner and spell.check.dictionary

o fixed multi-word bug in spell.check.dictionary