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Automation details

Alexander Filipin edited this page May 13, 2020 · 3 revisions

The automation script will perform the following actions:

  1. Connects to Microsoft Graph via device code flow
  2. Connects to Azure AD via AzureAD module, normal user login
  3. Creates AAD group for AADC synchronization service accounts
  4. Creates AAD group for AAD emergency access accounts
  5. Creates dynamic AAD group for AADP2 user
  6. Creates AAD group for administrative accounts that should be targeted in the M365 admin protection
  7. Creates AAD group for the RING if RingTargeted was set to TRUE
  8. Imports JSON representations of conditional access policies from a policy folder
  9. Creates two AAD group for each conditional access policy which will be used for exclusions
  10. Either creates a new conditional access policy for each JSON representation or updates an existing policy. Updating / matching existing policies requires the policy id in the JSON file.