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Client Test Scripts

charith-amarasinghe edited this page Sep 24, 2011 · 1 revision

#Client Test Scripts#


  • modbus_tk installed to /usr/lib/python2.6/

  • poster installed to /usr/lib/python2.6/

  • pyserial installed

  • ~/eko_client/eko linked to /usr/lib/python2.6/eko

    ln -s /home/root/eko_client/eko /usr/lib/python2.6/


usage: python [CONFIGPATH]

eg: Configs/setup

Will execute all the config scripts in the directory passed as CONFIGPATH. The only difference from is that the output data directory is internally configured to /data/configdumps. Files are added to the upload directory.

Can be used alongside the setup scripts at eko_client/Configs/setup/ to program sensor devices quickly.


usage: python

Will display the current contents of the sync database.

9 Files Left to Sync


Id      Name

1       /data/23Sep2011/1200-1759/
2       /data/23Sep2011/1200-1759/data.csv
3       /data/configdumps/23Sep2011/1800-2359/acinverter1.csv
4       /data/configdumps/23Sep2011/1800-2359/atmospheric.csv
5       /data/configdumps/23Sep2011/1800-2359/
6       /data/configdumps/23Sep2011/1800-2359/
7       /data/configdumps/23Sep2011/1800-2359/
8       /data/configdumps/23Sep2011/1800-2359/
9       /data/configdumps/23Sep2011/1800-2359/atmos.csv
root@kiosk-test:~/eko_client# python tools/syncadmin/