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AlexWayfer's Site

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Tech stack

Development setup

  1. Install rbenv.
  2. Install nodenv.
  3. Clone this repository and checkout to directory.
  4. Set the EDITOR environment variable (nano, vim, mcedit, micro, etc.).
  5. Run exe/ to install Ruby (with gems), Node (with modules) and fill configs.


Run exe/compile.rb.

It's an one-time compilation command. Most often, you won't need this.

Development watcher

Run exe/dev.rb.

It'll compile current files and launch filewatchers for re-compilation on any related file change.


Run exe/deploy.rb to copy all pre-compiled files to servers from config.

Production setup (optional)

  • Set correct timezone
  • Add UNIX-user for project: adduser <%= @app_name %>
  • Make symbolic link of project directory to /var/www/<%= @app_name %>
  • Install and configure nginx (with symbolic links from config/nginx.conf)
  • Install Certbot and generate certificates
    • Including openssl dhparam -out /etc/ssl/certs/dhparam.pem 4096

Update external resources

  1. Go to IcoMoon App
  2. Upload project
    1. Click Manage Projects button
    2. Click Import Project button
    3. Upload assets/icomoon/selection.json file
    4. Click Load button
  3. Modify the set of icons
    1. Enter keyword (like car or man) into search field
    2. Select desired icons
  4. Update icons
    1. Click Generate SVG & More button
    2. Check names and other settings
    3. Click Download button
    4. Run toys icomoon extract %path_to_downloaded_archive%
  5. Repeat these steps with the final assets/icomoon/selection.json file, because of there is a difference (in setIdx and iconIdx fields) between original selection.json file with freshly added icons and generated selection.json file with the same icons.