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Play zork or another interactive fiction game in a wave.

zorky started in Willisson Christmas Hackathon 2009


On, clone the git resporitory, then:

cd frotz-2.43
make dumb

cd server
sudo ./install-production

Test at

Here are some hints for setting up a development server:

Install these packages:

apache2 postgresql libpq-dev php5 php-db php5-pgsql php5-xdebug php-mode

setup postgres:

$ sudo -s
# su postgres
$ createuser YOUR_NAME_HERE
answer Y to database superuser question
$ createuser root
answer Y to database superuser question
$ createuser apache
answer Y to database superuser question

in /etc/postgresql/8.4/main/pg_hba.conf add

   local all apache ident map=web

(if you're using 8.3, the line use instead: "local all apache ident web")

just before the line that says "local all all ident"

in /etc/postgresl/8.4/main/pg_ident.conf append:

   web www-data apache
   web root apache
   web YOUR_NAME_HERE apache

in zorky/server, run

$ createdb zorky-YOURNAME-dev
$ psql -f schema zorky-YOURNAME-dev

copy zorky-rhino-pace-dev.conf to zorky-YOUR_HOSTNAME-YOUR_NAME-dev.conf
edit in obvious substitutions

run install-dev

alex notes:
$ mkdir -p /var/zorky-YOURNAMEHERE-dev/bin
# apt-get install libcap2-bin