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Room Dao generation based on annotation.


  • Generate many basic database requests (less boilerplate)
  • Auto threading (can be disabled as needed)
  • Support LIMIT and ORDER BY
  • Support @Ignore, @ColumnInfo and @Embedded
  • Support one to many (using @Relation)
  • Code generation is done at compile time
  • Room "static query check" is preserved.
  • Code generation is configurable
  • Proguard removes functions that you don't use
  • 100% kotlin


We will consider this Entity (standard Room Entity, nothing special here).

@Entity(tableName = "users")
data class User(
        @PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
        var id: Int = 0,
        var name: String,
        var age: Int,
        @Ignore var job: String

Replace @Dao by @AutoDao and specify the related entity

class UserDao

getById is automatically generated and you can write this.


No crash here, threading is done by default for Single and Maybe (using and AndroidSchedulers.mainThread())

You can disable it if needed.

getUserById(userId, autoThread = false).subscribe()

@AutoDao automatically detect fields: let's try to use name


Also vaargs

getUserByName("Joe", "William", "Jack").subscribe()


getUserByName("Averell", limit = 10).subscribe()

Don't forget ORDER BY

// Get all users and order them by name
// Get all users named "Joe" and order them by age, oldest first
getByNameOrderedByAge("Joe", order = Order.DESC).subscribe()

Only one depth of ORDER BY is generated, you cannot call something like getByNameOrderedByAgeOrderedById

@AutoDao supports @Ignore annotation.
Looking at User entity, job carries @Ignore annotation: nothing is generated for this field

getUserByJob().subscribe() // does not compile because of @Ignore

Of course native @Insert, @Update and @Delete are avaible too


Control code generation

You can control code generation with @AutoDao parameters


Control if "order by" related functions should be generated
Default value: true

onInsertConflictStrategy and onUpdateConflictStrategy

As mentionned, AutoDao uses native annotations @Insert and @Update.
You can control their conflict strategy by using onInsertConflictStrategy and onUpdateConflictStrategy
Default value is OnConflictStrategy.ABORT


Room's Rx implementation support many types.
Therefore, AutoDao generate each functions 3 times

By default, the value of defaultRxReturnType is Single. Therefore getById will be generated as:

  • Single<List<User>> getById(id: Int)
  • Maybe<List<User>> getByIdAsMaybe(id: Int)
  • Flowable<List<User>> getByIdAsFlowable(id: Int)

(notice that getById returns a Single)

If you set defaultRxReturnType to Flowable, then getById will be generated as

  • Single<List<User>> getByIdAsSingle(id: Int)
  • Maybe<List<User>> getByIdAsMaybe(id: Int)
  • Flowable<List<User>> getByIdAs(id: Int)

(notice that getById returns a Flowable)


Control if AutoDao should generate each functions 3 times (for Single, Maybe and Flowable) Couple of examples:

With generateOnlyDefaultRxReturnType to true and defaultRxReturnType to Single, functions will generated only with Single

Single<List<User>> getById(id: Int)

With generateOnlyDefaultRxReturnType to true and defaultRxReturnType to Flowable, functions will generated only with Flowable

Flowable<List<User>> getById(id: Int)

With generateOnlyDefaultRxReturnType to false, functions will be generated 3 times, changing defaultRxReturnType will then only affect names, ex with Flowable:

Single<List<User>> getByIdAsSingle(id: Int)
Maybe<List<User>> getByIdAsMaybe(id: Int)
Flowable<List<User>> getById(id: Int)

Default value is of generateOnlyDefaultRxReturnType is false

Library Setup

1- Gradle dependency + Module creation

Unfortunately, this library comes with a constraint.

AutoRoomDao, generates a class annotated with @Dao and then Room will generate a second class.
For this reason, we need AutoRoomDao to do its work before room does it own.

The only solution I found so far is to put the model (annotated with @Entity) and the Dao (annotated with @Autoroom) in a separate module and link it as a dependency of the app module. Thus, we ensure that AutoRoomDao will be the first to do its code generation.

a) app gradle files contains 

implementation project(":models") // this contains `User` and `UserDao`

b) models gradle file contains 

kapt com.asaddour.autoroomdao:autoroomdao:0.7.3
compileOnly com.asaddour.autoroomdao:autoroomdao:0.7.3
compileOnly 'com.squareup:kotlinpoet:0.7.0'

If this is unclear, check the sampleapp and dao modules in this repository.

2- Update your database class.

Annotating a class called UserDao with @AutoDao generates a second class called Auto_UserDao.
You need to give Auto_UserDao to RoomDatabase.

@Database(entities = [User::class], version = 1)
abstract fun AppDatabase(): RoomDatabase {
  abstract fun users(): Auto_UserDao // Notice `Auto_UserDao` and not `UserDao`