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Reusable open source platform made to centralize whatever you want (activities in Quebec in this case).

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After two years spent surveying Quebec, an idea popped into my head: why not referencing all theses adventures within a hand-sewn website? So I could also implement all the JS fatigue in one place 💪


This idea uses a lot of tiers library/framework/Saas products without which it can't work. All of them are free to use as long as you develop an open source project.

Saas Product

  • Backend API: Vercel
  • Database: Supabase
  • Deployment: Vercel
  • Code quality: SonarCloud
  • Analytics: Google Analytics
  • Newsletter: Sendinblue

Very useful JS libraries

  • Styling: Chakra-UI
  • Language: JS/Typescript/React
  • Framework: NextJS
  • Map: Leaflet
  • Form validation: Formik
  • Internationalization: I18next
  • Date calculation: Dayjs
  • Code formatting: Eslint


  1. Make sure that you have nodeJS installed on your machine.
  2. Fill the .env.example file accordingly the instructions then rename it to .env.
  3. The backend is decoupled from the frontend and lives in pages/api/ folder. Here is where Supabase SaaS is called but you could replace it by any external services.


  • Analytics
  • Different rendering strategies for speediness (CSR on the main list and SSG for singleton pages)
  • Filtering
  • Internationalization
  • Map service
  • Searching

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Supabase SaaS uses Postgresql under the hood and the schema is built like this:

column name data type
compagny text
picture_url text
address text
city text
postal_code text
phone text
price bigint
carbon_footprint bigint
id uuid
email text
website text
created_at timestamp with time zone
name jsonb
social_media json
description jsonb
location json
review jsonb
seasons ARRAY

Openapi specifications allows us to generate a typescript file on fly corresponding to this schema. You can find it in the repo here.


Reusable open source platform made to centralize whatever you want (activities in Quebec in this case)








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