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Humans Generator Build Status

Produces a simple, valid humans.txt to be parsed by web crawlers. Adheres to the specification provided by Requires Node 4+. Installed through NPM with:

npm install humans-generator --save-dev

Simply require the module and execute it with some configuration. It can take for each information a String, an Array, an Object or any combinaison of the 3.

The standard propose your those fields:

  • header: The ASCII art, default is Humans.txt
  • Team: Shoutouts to your squad.
  • Thanks: People you'd like to thank.
  • Site: Technical specifications about your site.
  • Note: Things you'd like to mention.
var humans = require('humans-generator');

        team: [{
                    "Original developer": "Hayden Bleasel",
                    Twitter: "@haydenbleasel" 
                    Maintainer: "Alexis Paques",
                    Github: "@AlexisTM"
        thanks: [
                'Standards': 'HTML5, CSS3',
                'Components': 'jQuery, Normalize.css',
                'Softwares': 'Atom, SublimeText'
        note: 'Built with love by Hayden Bleasel.'
    }, function (error, humans) {
    if(error)  console.log(error);
    else console.log(humans.join('\n'));

Outputs the following file:

  _   _                                  _        _   
 | | | |_   _ _ __ ___   __ _ _ __  ___ | |___  _| |_ 
 | |_| | | | | '_ ` _ \ / _` | '_ \/ __|| __\ \/ / __|
 |  _  | |_| | | | | | | (_| | | | \__ \| |_ >  <| |_ 
 |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|___(_)__/_/\_\\__|

/* TEAM */
Original developer: Hayden Bleasel
Twitter: @haydenbleasel

Maintainer: Alexis Paques
Github: @AlexisTM

/* THANKS */

/* SITE */
Standards: HTML5, CSS3
Components: jQuery, Normalize.css
Softwares: Atom, SublimeText

/* NOTE */
Built with love by Hayden Bleasel.

If you need an ES5 build for legacy purposes, just require the ES5 file:

var humans = require('humans-generator/es5');

To build the ES5 version:

npm install -g babel-cli
babel --presets es2015 index.js --out-file es5.js