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Alex X edited this page Jan 14, 2021 · 1 revision

How To Build

  1. Download latest version WinPython32- = Python 3.8 32bit only
    • dot version - compact version 20MB vs 700MB+ usual version
    • 32bit for more compatibility
  2. Copy from WinPython:
    • scripts => bin
    • python-3.8.7
    • settings
    • license.txt
  3. Copy from old HassWP:
    • config (remove config/deps)
    • notepad++
    • hass.cmd
    • notepad.cmd
    • update.cmd
    • web.url
  4. Run:
    • call bin\env.bat
    • pip install homeassistant
  5. Run hass.cmd and wait install all dependencies. Restart if it freezes.
  6. Check if all works fine.
  7. Run config\reset.cmd for remove any auth data.
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