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Snapshot to Telegram

Alex X edited this page Jul 11, 2023 · 3 revisions

This examples for Home Assistant Telegram Bot integration.

  • change url to your go2rtc web API (http://localhost:1984/ for most users)
  • change target to your Telegram chat ID (support list)
  • change src=camera1 to your stream name from go2rtc config

Important. Snapshot will be near instant for most cameras and many sources, except ffmpeg source. Because it takes a long time for ffmpeg to start streaming with video, even when you use #video=copy. Also the delay can be with cameras that do not start the stream with a keyframe.

Snapshot from H264 or H265 camera

service: telegram_bot.send_video
  url: http://localhost:1984/api/frame.mp4?src=camera1
  target: 123456789

Snapshot from JPEG or MJPEG camera

service: telegram_bot.send_photo
  url: http://localhost:1984/api/frame.jpeg?src=camera1
  target: 123456789

Record from H264 or H265 camera

Record from service call to the future. Doesn't support loopback.

  • mp4=flac - adds support PCM audio family
  • filename=record.mp4 - set name for downloaded file
service: telegram_bot.send_video
  url: http://localhost:1984/api/stream.mp4?src=camera1&mp4=flac&duration=5&filename=record.mp4  # duration in seconds
  target: 123456789