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A large-scale Epidemiological Agent-Based model.


Repository Layout

Synthetic Environment Generator and Reporting Utilities (.\python)

  • Synthetic Environment Generator - A series of Python notebooks dedicated to the task of generating Synthetic Environments, the required input for Outbreak-Sim, which defines the starting state of the simulation, and contains components like agent, household, and workplace positions, agent attributes such as age and workplace allocations, etc.

  • Report Analysis - A series of Python notebooks for parsing and analysing the report files created by simulation runs of Outbreak-Sim.

Note: the rest of this README is dedicated to Outbreak-Sim, the Rust simulation runner, see the above README's for detailed information on the other processes and components

Synthetic Environment Schema (.\schema\model.fbs)

A Flatbuffers schema describing the format of a Synthetic Environment data file. The schema is used for generating code with the ./ script.


The runner for the epidemiological simulations. Consists of a rust library, outbreak_sim, an example binary and a set of benchmarks in .\benches.



Note: Development has been tested on Windows using Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), other OS's and combinations may work but are not supported.


  • Modify or use .\src\ as an example in how to use the library. The example binary includes a rudimentary form of visualising the simulation as it runs. This will in the future be moved to a better implementation and made optional through a feature flag.
  • The following are key parameters to be modified (inputting parameters is a work-in-progress and intended to be less involved and more explicit in the future):
    • The parameters of outbreak_sim::Sim::new require:
      • a path to the directory containing the synthetic environment file
      • the name of the file (without file-extension)
    • outbreak_sim::reporting::intialise_reporting_files requires, as a parameter, a path to a directory to write reports to
    • outbreak_sim::Sim::new currently has transmission_chance hard-coded in the function body. This should be modified as needed, however in future-development the MixingStrategy implementation will be continued, and this will move to a sensible place.
    • outbreak_sim::shared has the following global variables which are hard-coded and will be updated similarly as described above:
      • SEED_INFECTION_CHANCE: The chance of an agent being infected at the start of the simulation
      • TIME_STEPS_PER_DAY: The number of simulation time-steps in each day of in-simulation time. When containers in public transport routing is implemented this will need to be 1440 (a time-step being equivalent to a minute) whenever the feature is turned on. Currently this can be safely changed to a smaller number to speed up simulation speed.