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📗 Table of Contents

📖 BookStore

BookStore is a SPA (Single Page Application). It will help you to Keep your books. Add, store your new books or remove them.

🛠 Built With

  • React, Redux-toolkit,
  • axios, for making HTTP requests
  • react-icons for icons
  • react-router-dom, for routes
  • Twailwind CSS framework👍
  • Use redux Global state management
  • Use actions and reducers inside component
  • Use a good File structore to place the componenst, pages and store
  • (RWD) responsive web design
  • Use Vite to setup up react component
  • Use Pages to deploy web page.
  • Use uuid libarary to create unique ids for books

Tech Stack


Additional tools

Key Features

  • Making use of Tailwindcss frame work to add CSS styles
  • Apply JavaScript best practices and language style guides in code.👌
  • Use React components to create BookStore App
  • Use JavaScript helper functions.💯
  • Use Microvere API to store and access data.
  • Use createAsyncThunk with axios
  • Use useRoutes from react-router-dom to stablish navigation links
  • Use semantic HTML tags.
  • Apply best practices in HTML JSX.

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🚀 Live Demo


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💻 Getting Started


To setup and install this project, follow the below steps:

  • Clone this project by the command:
$ git clone
  • Then switch to the project folder by the bellow query:
$ cd BookStore-2


  • ✔ A professional editer such as VS Code.
  • ✔ An Updated web browser such as Google Chrome, you can download it from here.
  • Node.js installed in your machine.
  • Git installed in your machine.
  • ✔ Sign in or sign up to your Github account.


- Install npm dependencies with:
$ npm install


  1. Download or clone this repostory
  2. Provide a browser.
  3. Run the command: npm run dev or open the index.html form dis folder with a live server


This project is deployed with and you can access the live version of the project in the Live Demo section.

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👥 Authors

👤 Qurban Ali Safari

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🔭 Future Features

  • Optimization
  • Add conditinal rendering on loading

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🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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⭐️ Show your support

If you like this project give it a ⭐️

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🙏 Acknowledgments

  • 🙏 Microverse for its arrangements and supports.

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📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.

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