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Interaction Models

AliRezaeian edited this page Apr 14, 2019 · 1 revision

The following table summarizes the models you can select in the developer console.


Create a custom voice user interface for the skill. This gives you complete control over the experience. You build an interaction model to define the requests the skill can handle (intents) and the words the users say to make these requests (sample utterances).

Flash Briefing

Create a skill that provides content for the user's flash briefing feed. You provide an RSS or JSON feed with the content. Users invoke the skill by asking for their flash briefing.

Smart Home

Create a skill that controls smart home devices such as cameras, lights, locks, thermostats, and smart TVs. The model defines the supported requests (such as turning on a light) and the words users say to invoke those requests ("Alexa, turn on the living room lights"). Your code determines how your skill responds to those requests.


Create a skill that lets users find and consume video content. The model defines the supported requests (such as finding a particular program to watch) and the words the users say to invoke those requests ("Alexa, play Manchester by the Sea"). Your code determines how the skill responds to those requests.

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