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AlienDwarf edited this page Sep 3, 2022 · 4 revisions

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using OpenMeteo;

static void Main()

static async Task RunAsync()
    // Before using the library you have to create a new client. Once created you can reuse it for every other api call you are going to make. 
    // There is no need to create multiple clients.
    OpenMeteo.OpenMeteoClient client = new OpenMeteo.OpenMeteoClient();

    // Make a new api call to get the current weather in tokyo
    WeatherForecast weatherData = await client.QueryAsync("Tokyo");

    // Output the current weather to console
    Console.WriteLine("Weather in Tokyo: " + weatherData.CurrentWeather.Temperature + "°C");

Temperature in Fahrenheit

using OpenMeteo;

static void Main()

static async Task RunAsync()
    // Before using the library you have to create a new client. Once created you can reuse it for every other api call you are going to make. 
    // There is no need to create multiple clients.
    OpenMeteo.OpenMeteoClient client = new OpenMeteo.OpenMeteoClient();

    // Set custom options
    WeatherForecastOptions options = new WeatherForecastOptions();
    options.Temperature_Unit = TemperatureUnitType.fahrenheit;
    options.Latitude = 35.6895f; 
    options.Longitude = 139.69171f; // For Tokyo

    // Make a new api call to get the current weather in tokyo
    WeatherForecast weatherData = await client.QueryAsync(options);

    // Output the current weather to console
    Console.WriteLine("Weather in Tokyo: " + weatherData.CurrentWeather.Temperature + "°F");

Get Latitude and Longitude Coordinates

using OpenMeteo;

static void Main()
    OpenMeteo.OpenMeteoClient client = new OpenMeteo.OpenMeteoClient();
    // Create new geocodingOptions object for Tokyo
    GeocodingOptions geocodingData = new GeocodingOptions("Tokyo");
    var apiResponse = await client.GetCityGeocodingDataAsync(geocodingData);
    var cityData = apiResponse.Locations[0];
    Console.WriteLine(cityData.Name + " is a city in " + cityData.Country + " with a population of " + cityData.Population + " people.");
    Console.WriteLine(cityData.Name + " coordinates are: " + cityData.Latitude + "/" + cityData.Longitude);
    // Output: Tokyo is a city in Japan with a population of 8336599 people.
    // Output: Tokyo coordinates are: 35.6895/139.69171
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