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An Implementation of Transformer in Translation from English to Chinese


Vaswani A, Shazeer N, Parmar N, et al. Attention is all you need[J]. Advances in neural information processing systems, 2017, 30.

Steps from 0 to 16 in transformer.ipynb(for data_small) & transformer_L.ipynb(for data_large: translation2019zh) are following:

0.Import some dependences & set some parameters

1.Data Preparation(tokenize, word2id, add padding & mask, batchnize)

2.Input Embedding

$$InputEmbedding(x) = Embedding(x) * \sqrt {d_{model}}$$

3.Positional Encoding

$$PE_{(pos, 2i)} = \sin (\frac{pos}{1000^{\frac{2i}{d_{model}}}})$$ $$PE_{(pos, 2i+1)} = \cos (\frac{pos}{1000^{\frac{2i}{d_{model}}}})$$

4.Multi-Head Attention

$$ \begin{gather*} MHA(X) = Concatenate(Attention_i(X)) * W_C\\ i \in [1, numheads]\\ Attention(X) = SelfAttentionOrContextAttention(Q, K, V) = softmax(\frac{QK^T}{\sqrt{d_k}})V\\ Q = Linear(X) = X * W_Q\\ K = Linear(X) = X * W_K\\ V = Linear(X) = X * W_V\\ d_k = d_{model} // numheads\\ W_C, W_Q, W_K, W_V = clones(nn.Linear(d_{model}, d_{model}), 4) \end{gather*} $$

Above 3 X during the calculating Q, K, V will be same if SelfAttention else different.


$$LayerNorm(x) = \alpha * \frac{x_{ij} - \mu_{i}}{\sqrt{\sigma _i^2 + \epsilon}} + \beta$$

6.Positionwise FeedForward

$$PositionwiseFeedForward(X_{attn}) = Linear(Activate(Linear(X_{attn})))$$

7.Utilities class: SublayerConnection & clones

$$SublayerConnection(X) = X + SubLayer(X)$$ $$clones(X, N) = [X repeat N times]$$

8.EncoderLayer & Encoder(N_head EncoderLayers)

9.DecoderLayer & Decoder(N_head DecoderLayers)



  • 1).InputEmbedding + PositionalEncoding

$$X_{emb} = InputEmbedding(X) + PositionalEncoding(pos)$$

  • 2).MultiHeadSelfAttention

$$ \begin{gather*} X_{attn} = MHA(X_{emb}) = Concatenate(Attention_i(X_{emb})) * W_C\\ i \in [1, numheads]\\ Attention(X_{emb}) = SelfAttention(Q, K, V) = softmax(\frac{QK^T}{\sqrt{d_k}})V\\ Q = Linear(X_{emb}) = X_{emb} * W_Q\\ K = Linear(X_{emb}) = X_{emb} * W_K\\ V = Linear(X_{emb}) = X_{emb} * W_V\\ d_k = d_{model} // numheads\\ W_C, W_Q, W_K, W_V = clones(nn.Linear(d_{model}, d_{model}), 4) \end{gather*} $$

  • 3).SublayerConnection + Norm

$$X_{attn} = LayerNorm(X_{attn})$$ $$X_{attn} = X + X_{attn}$$

  • 4).PositionwiseFeedForward

$$X_{hidden} = Linear(Activate(Linear(X_{attn})))$$

  • 5).Repeat 3)

$$X_{hidden} = LayerNorm(X_{hidden})$$ $$X_{hidden} = X_{attn} + X_{hidden}$$

  • 6).Repeat 2) ~ 5) * N

    Let the output of previous 5) be the input of next 2), repeating N times.


  • 1).InputEmbedding + PositionalEncoding

$$Y_{emb} = InputEmbedding(Y) + PositionalEncoding(pos)$$

  • 2).MultiHeadSelfAttention

$$ \begin{gather*} Y_{attn1} = MaskedMHA(Y_{emb}) = Concatenate(Attention_i(Y_{emb})) * W_C\\ i \in [1, numheads]\\ Attention(Y_{emb}) = SelfAttention(Q, K, V) = softmax(\frac{QK^T}{\sqrt{d_k}})V\\ Q = Linear(Y_{emb}) = Y_{emb} * W_Q\\ K = Linear(Y_{emb}) = Y_{emb} * W_K\\ V = Linear(Y_{emb}) = Y_{emb} * W_V\\ d_k = d_{model} // numheads\\ W_C, W_Q, W_K, W_V = clones(nn.Linear(d_{model}, d_{model}), 4) \end{gather*} $$

  • 3).SublayerConnection + Norm

$$Y_{attn1} = LayerNorm(Y_{attn1})$$ $$Y_{attn1} = Y + Y_{attn1}$$

  • 4).MultiHeadContextAttention

$$ \begin{gather*} Y_{attn2} = MHA(Y_{attn1}, M, M) = Concatenate(Attention_i(Y_{attn1}, M, M)) * W_C\\ i \in [1, numheads], M = X_{hidden}\\ Attention(Y_{attn1}, M, M) = ContextAttention(Q, K, V) = softmax(\frac{QK^T}{\sqrt{d_k}})V\\ Q = Linear(Y_{attn1}) = Y_{attn1} * W_Q\\ K = Linear(M) = M * W_K = X_{hidden} * W_K\\ V = Linear(M) = M * W_V = X_{hidden} * W_V\\ d_k = d_{model} // numheads\\ W_C, W_Q, W_K, W_V = clones(nn.Linear(d_{model}, d_{model}), 4) \end{gather*} $$

  • 5).Repeat 3)

$$Y_{attn2} = LayerNorm(Y_{attn2})$$ $$Y_{attn2} = Y_{attn1} + Y_{attn2}$$

  • 6).PositionwiseFeedForward

$$Y_{hidden} = Linear(Activate(Linear(Y_{attn2})))$$

  • 7).Repeat 3)

$$Y_{hidden} = LayerNorm(Y_{hidden})$$ $$Y_{hidden} = Y_{attn2} + Y_{hidden}$$

  • 8).Repeat 2) ~ 7) * N

    Let the output of previous 7) be the input of next 2), repeating N times.

10.3.linear + log_softmax

11.Make a real Transformer model

12.Smooth the label(implement by KLdivloss)

13.Compute the loss

14.Set optimizer with a warmupdown learning rate

$$lr = lr_{base} * [d_{model}^{-.5} * \min{(step_ num^{-.5}, step_ num*warmup_ steps^{-1.5})}]$$

The lr increases linearly with a fixed warmup_steps, decreases proportional to the inverse square root of step_num when it reached warmup_steps(here is 4000).

The base optimizer is Adam with beta1=.9, beta2=.98, epsilon=1e-9.

15.Train and Validation

16.Prediction or say Translation


📰 👽 🀄 Just practice transformer in translation from English to Chinese. Reference:,







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