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Discord Guidelines

Almantas Karpavičius edited this page Apr 2, 2020 · 1 revision


#❔questions-1 #❓questions-2 #❕questions-3 are for asking questions. Use a channel which is not currently occupied.

It would be nice if you could give us a short intro in #👋introductions

Don't forget to mark your interests and subscribe to topics you care in #🤔your-interests . If you want to unsubscribe from a role, simply unreact to it (twice, if you got the role before reacting to it).

If you are afraid of asking a question publicly, you can try your luck in #🤠mentors channel, asking a question privately.

#🍻learning-pals if where you can group up for learning. Dont do it alone, it's much easier to do it together.

#💬general general is for general chat, which can be unrelated to programming.

#🎅random is a wild zone, we don't allow NSFW or offensive content there, but funny memes are okay there.

All the boot camp channels are under C# BOOT CAMP category
-as a student, you should make an intro in #bc-student-intro channel
-as a mentor, you should make an intro in #bc-mentor-intro channel
If you have any boot camp related questions, we are always free to answer them in #bc-discussion channel. There are two weekly lessons: 9 PM GTM +2 on Saturday and Wednesday. A lesson takes 1-2h and consists of theory part, live coding and kahoot quiz. Every lesson is followed by a homework which need to be submitted to github as a Pull Request to be automatically tested and code reviewed, also reviewed by a few mentors. There are roughly 100 lessons planned for the boot camp (~11 months-long)