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File metadata and controls

161 lines (113 loc) · 5.07 KB


Extracts are an abstraction that enables the user to specify how they want to capture their data. In terms of Ascent, data capture sends data outside the Ascent infrastructure. Examples include writing out the raw simulation data to the file system, creating HDF5 files, or sending the data off node (e.g., ADIOS).

Currently supported extracts include:

  • Python : use a python script with NumPy to analyze mesh data
  • Relay : leverages Conduit's Relay library to do parallel I/O
  • ADIOS : use ADIOS to send data to a separate resource


Python extracts can execute arbitrary python code. Python code uses Conduit's python interface to interrogate and retrieve mesh data. Code is executed on each MPI rank, and mpi4py can be used for collective communication.

conduit::Node extracts;
extracts["e1/type"]  = "python";
extracts["e1/params/source"] = py_script;

Python source code is loaded into Ascent via a string that could be loaded from the file system

import numpy as np
from mpi4py import MPI

# obtain a mpi4py mpi comm object
comm = MPI.Comm.f2py(ascent_mpi_comm_id())

# get this MPI task's published blueprint data
mesh_data = ascent_data().child(0)

# fetch the numpy array for the energy field values
e_vals = mesh_data["fields/energy/values"]

# find the data extents of the energy field using mpi

# first get local extents
e_min, e_max = e_vals.min(), e_vals.max()

# declare vars for reduce results
e_min_all = np.zeros(1)
e_max_all = np.zeros(1)

# reduce to get global extents
comm.Allreduce(e_min, e_min_all, op=MPI.MIN)
comm.Allreduce(e_max, e_max_all, op=MPI.MAX)

# compute bins on global extents
bins = np.linspace(e_min_all, e_max_all)

# get histogram counts for local data
hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(e_vals, bins = bins)

# declare var for reduce results
hist_all = np.zeros_like(hist)

# sum histogram counts with MPI to get final histogram
comm.Allreduce(hist, hist_all, op=MPI.SUM)

The example above shows how a python script could be used to create a distributed-memory histogram of a mesh variable that has been published by a simulation.

import conduit
import ascent.mpi
# we treat everything as a multi_domain in ascent so grab child 0
n_mesh = ascent_data().child(0)
ascent_opts = conduit.Node()
a = ascent.mpi.Ascent()
actions = conduit.Node()
scenes  = conduit.Node()
scenes['s1/plots/p1/type'] = 'pseudocolor'
scenes['s1/plots/p1/params/field'] = 'radial_vert'
scenes['s1/image_prefix'] = 'tout_python_mpi_extract_inception'
add_act =actions.append()
add_act['action'] = 'add_scenes'
add_act['scenes'] = scenes
actions.append()['action'] = 'execute'

In addition to performing custom python analysis, your can create new data sets and plot them through a new instance of Ascent. We call this technique Inception.


Relay extracts save data to the file system. Currently, Relay supports saving data to Blueprint HDF5, YAML, or JSON files. By default, Relay saves the published mesh data to the file system, but is a pipeline is specified, then the result of the pipeline is saved. Relay extracts can be opened by post-hoc tools such as VisIt.

conduit::Node pipelines;
// pipeline 1
pipelines["pl1/f1/type"] = "contour";
// filter knobs
conduit::Node &contour_params = pipelines["pl1/f1/params"];
contour_params["field"] = "radial_vert";
contour_params["iso_values"] = 250.;

conduit::Node extracts;
extracts["e1/type"]  = "relay";
extracts["e1/pipeline"]  = "pl1";

extracts["e1/params/path"] = output_file;

In this example, a contour of a field is saved to the file system in json form. To save the files in HDF5 format:

extracts["e1/params/protocol"] = "hdf5";

yaml and json are also valid protocol options.

By default, the relay extract creates one file per mesh domain saved. You can control the number of files written (aggregating multiple domains per file) using the num_files parameter:

extracts["e1/params/num_files"] = 2;

Additionally, Relay supports saving out only a subset of the data. The fields parameters is a list of strings that indicate which fields should be saved.



The current ADIOS extract is experimental and this section is under construction.