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This software is in very early stages, and is not fully functional

A project to automatically scale your DO droplets based on data gathered from NetData.


Master Node

  • Ruby - Tested with version 2.5.5
  • Bundler for gem management

Slave Nodes

  • Must be configured to run NetData automatically on startup

Initial Setup

  1. Clone or download this repository
  2. Run bundler install to download gems (run gem install bundler if bundler is not installed on your system)
  3. Copy config/config.example.yml to a new file named config/config.yml
  4. Enter your DigitalOcean API key in the appropriate line of config/config.yml
  5. Configure your autoscaling environment with DigitalOcean tags, CPU Thresholds and Min/Max droplets
  6. Configure your droplet setup settings - helper commands are listed in comments, e.g. ruby scaler.rb list regions to list available droplet limits
  7. Set your netdata port if it is different from default

Available commands


ruby scaler.rb scale

Runs the autoscale function. This will gather information from the DO api about currently active droplets with the autoscaling tag set in config/config.yml, gather CPU usage information from netdata, and scale up or down if thresholds are exceeded (and droplet limits allow). In most use cases this command should be executed using a cron job on a regular interval - recommended interval is 60 seconds.


ruby scaler.rb list {type}

Lists configuration helper information from the DigitalOcean API. Type must be specified as one of the following:


ruby scaler.rb list images

Lists all available images including DO default and marketplace images - in most cases you'll want to use snapshots instead. Use the ID field in config file.

Example output:

|                                             Images                                             |
| ID       | Name                                         | Type     | Size (GB) | Distribution  |
| 16376426 | Cassandra on 14.04                           | snapshot | 0.59      | Ubuntu        |
| 25256991 | 14.04.5 x32                                  | snapshot | 0.43      | Ubuntu        |
| 28282122 | 10.4 x64 ZFS                                 | snapshot | 0.75      | FreeBSD       |
| 28282143 | 10.4 x64                                     | snapshot | 0.72      | FreeBSD       |
| 28706758 | MachineLearning on 16.04-20171020            | snapshot | 1.87      | Ubuntu        |


ruby scaler.rb list keys

Lists available SSH keys that can be added to VMs. Use the ID field in config file.

Example output:

|         SSH Keys          |
| ID       | Name           |
| 19331324 | Home Key       |
| 74063591 | Work Key       |


ruby scaler.rb list regions

Lists avilable DigitalOcean regions to deploy VMs in. Use the Slug field in config file.

Example output:

|              Regions               |
| Slug | Name            | Available |
| nyc1 | New York 1      | true      |
| sgp1 | Singapore 1     | true      |
| lon1 | London 1        | true      |
| nyc3 | New York 3      | true      |


ruby scaler.rb list sizes

Lists sizes available for VMs. Use the Slug field in config file.

Example output:

|                              Sizes                              |
| Slug           | VCPUs | Memory (MB) | Disk (GB) | Price ($/mo) |
| 512mb          | 1     | 512         | 20        | 5.0          |
| s-1vcpu-1gb    | 1     | 1024        | 25        | 5.0          |
| 1gb            | 1     | 1024        | 30        | 10.0         |
| s-1vcpu-2gb    | 1     | 2048        | 50        | 10.0         |
| s-1vcpu-3gb    | 1     | 3072        | 60        | 15.0         |
| s-2vcpu-2gb    | 2     | 2048        | 60        | 15.0         |


ruby scaler.rb list snapshots

Lists your VM snapshots - not including public images. Use the ID field in config files.

Example output:

|                                          Snapshots                                          |
| ID       | Name                             | Size (GB) | Min Disk Size (GB) | Distribution |
| 49193223 | web-template-with-redis          | 1.79      | 60                 | droplet      |
| 49289407 | 2019-07-06 | 1.87      | 60                 | droplet      |

Helper Flags


Shows more logging information for diagnostics. Can be quite chatty, don't use this for every script run.

To-Do List

  • Add advanced error handling with better logging for debugging
  • Add health checks with automatic restarting of unhealthy nodes
  • Add scaling interval to limit how quickly nodes can be added / removed
  • Reformat output lists as tables for clearer output DONE


Automatic Horizontal Scaling for your DO Droplets








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