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Backend Documentation

Getting started

Download the API keys from here and put them in the root directory of the project, else your server is going to break.

Database Schema

Look at it here

What are the required and default values for each field?

You are going to need to read the createTables.sql file for that one.

Where do we run the database?

Even though the original idea was to do development in ElephantSQL I found that the best thing for testing the server was to run a local instance because there's no way to quickly populate the database from .csv files into ElephantSQL, once we are done with the server work, then we can easily switch the connection string from connectionStringLocal to connectionStringElephant in index.js as I left the two of them in index.js and the ElephantSQL instance is already set up.

So, in short we develop locally and we deploy the release version to ElephantSQL.

Take into acount that when you git clone the repo you should create a new local database and modify connectionStringLocal in order to reference it.

Loading the database schema

To load the database schema you need to run the createTables.sql query on the new database using pgAdmin execute query tool.

Preparing dummy data

You can load dummy data on the db_schema.ods speadsheet file, once you are done inputing the data you should run the ods_to_csv.js script like this:

nodejs ods_to_csv.js

Running this script will output each of the sheets of the spreadsheet as a separate .csv file in ./db/csv

Loading the .csv files into the database

To load the .csv files into the database you need to run the importCsvFiles.sql query using pgAdmin execute query tool, but first you are going to need to modify the paths in that query to the ones in your computer because SQL queries only take absolute paths.

COPY Categories(categoryId,categoryName)
FROM '/home/mezka/amazon-clone/db/csv/Categories.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;

--You should change each of the filepaths to mirror the location of the files in your computer

Wait, then how are we going to load the dummy data into ElephantSQL once we are done developing?

We are going to use this online CSV to SQL Converter

API reference

Auth endpoints

POST /api/register

With data object embedded as follows:

    useremail: '',
    userfirstname: 'Emiliano',
    userlastname: 'Mesquita',
    userpassword: '123456'

Registers a new user in the database.

POST /api/login

With data object embedded as follows:

    useremail: '',
    userpassword: 'putoelquelee'

Attempts to login the user using useremail and userpassword

POST /api/logout

With no data object, logs out the user from session.

Store endpoints


Gets all store products

    "productid": 1,
    "productname": "VIZIO D24-D1 D-Series 24\" Class LED Smart TV",
    "optionprice": 128.99,
    "optionlastprice": 159.99,
    "categoryname": "Electronics",
    "subcategoryname": "Televisions",
    "subcategoryfilteroptions": [
      "32 inches and under",
    "imageurl": ""
Product endpoints

/api/product/:productId Gets all product options as an array.

    "optionid": 1,
    "productname": "Alpine Swiss Mens Wallet Leather Money Clip Thin Slim Front Pocket Wallet",
    "optionname": "Crosshatch Black",
    "imageurls": [
    "optiondimensions": "4\" x 2 7/8\" x 3/8\"",
    "optionweight": "0.3 ounces",
    "optionprice": 11.99

Cart endpoints

GET /api/cart

Gets (session).

data: {
    tempid: 3,
    productid: 1,
    optionid: 2,
    quantity: 1,
    discount: 0

The tempid property provides a mean to uniquely address a cartItem in session.

We will use the tempid to update or delete cartItems in session.

POST /api/cart

With data object embedded as follows:

data: {
    productid: 1,
    optionid: 2,
    quantity: 1,
    discount: 0

Adds an item to cart.

POST /api/cart/checkout

With no data object; creates a new cart in the Carts table, and creates as many cartItems as needed in the CartItems table referencing the new entry in Carts.

Note that at this stage the order hasn't still been payed for.

POST /api/cart/clear

With no data object; clears the cart that is currently in session.

POST /api/cart/delete

With data object embedded as follows:

data: {
    tempid: 4

Deletes a cartItem from session

POST /api/cart/update

With data object embedded as follows:

data: {
    tempid: 4,
    quantity: 5

Updates the quantity of a cartItem in session

Payment endpoint

POST /api/cart/charge

With data object embedded as follows

data: {
    cardnumber: 4242424242424242,
    exp_month: 12,
    exp_year: 2018,
    cvc: 123

Calls stripe API to charge the current cart (in Session) amount.


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