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Dynamic Run-time Frequency and Phase Sweeping for Altera's PLLs with Freq. and Phase Meters


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##Dynamic Run-time Frequency and Phase sweeping## ##Ameer M. Abdelhadi (

##Dynamic Run-time Frequency and Phase sweeping for Altera's PLLs with freq./phase meters##

PLATFORM: DE2-115 Development board with Cyclone IV

LICENSE: BSD 3-Clause ("BSD New" or "BSD Simplified") license

Files and directories in this package

  • README: This file!
  • LICENSE: BSD 3-Clause ("BSD New" or "BSD Simplified") license
  • FreqPhaseSweeping.qpf: Quartus II project file
  • FreqPhaseSweeping.qsf: Quartus II settings file
  • FreqPhaseSweeping.sdc: Synopsys design constraints file; Design constraints and timing assignments
  • Cyclone IV pin assignment
  • math.v: precompile macros
  • rstgen.v: Reset generator, based on lfsr counter
  • keyfilter.v: Key debouncer / glitch filter
  • bin2bcd9.v: 9-bit binay to BCD converter using double dabble / shift and add3 algorithm
  • bin2bcd16.v: 16-bit binay to BCD converter using double dabble / shift and add3 algorithm
  • lfsr.v: Linear feedback shift register (LFSR); a periodic random counter
  • lfsr_fb.v: Feedback function for linear feedback shift register (LFSR); a periodic counter; maximux supported width is 168-bits
  • pll.v: Altera's PLL instantiation
  • pll_dyn.v: dynamic PLL with freq/phase sweeping
  • pll_dyn.mif: MIF file representing initial state of PLL Scan Chain
  • pll_cfg.v: Altera's PLL reconfigurer; created by Altera's megafunction wizard
  • phasemeter.v: Clock phase meter using high freq. sampling clock
  • freqmeter.v: Clock freq. meter for 50% duty-cycle clocks; measures clock period; divides the reference clock to increase accuracy and allow low freq. sampling
  • FreqPhaseSweeping.v: Dynamic clock freqyency/phase sweep testing using Altera's DE-115 board with Cyclone IV
  • output_files/: A directory containing Altera's logs and reports


Dynamic Run-time Frequency and Phase Sweeping for Altera's PLLs with Freq. and Phase Meters







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