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A .io game written using Elixir/Phoenix and WebAssembly

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.io Game


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  • Backend written in Elixir
  • Phoenix
    • Phoenix Channels for communication between the frontend + backend

Messaging + Serialization

  • WebSocket-based communication between the backend and the frontend using Phoenix channels
  • Binary message serialization using Protcol Buffers.
  • All messages are tagged with a UUID that corresponds to some entity.
    • The "universe" can be an entity for general messages as well (UUID 0000-0000...?)


  • Built with Rust and compiled into WebAssembly
  • Uses the Phoenix channels JS client library as a wrapper to connect to the backend and relay data to the WebAssembly code that powers the game.



  • Install Elixir with brew install elixir
  • Install all deps within backend with mix deps.get
  • Compile and start server with mix phx.server


  • You'll need to install Rust in order to build the frontend. I suggest using Rustup.
  • Run rustup toolchain install nightly to install the nightly toolchain
  • Run rustup default nightly to make the nightly toolchain default.
  • Run rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown --toolchain nightly to add the WebAssembly target.
  • Run cargo install wasm-bindgen-cli to install the wasm-bindgen-cli which is used to generate JS wrapper code and TypeScript definitions from WebAssembly files.