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America SCORES PACER Collection Backend

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The backend for the America SCORES data collection system.

Getting Started

You will need NodeJS installed locally.

> git clone
> cd america-scores-backend/
> npm install

You will need to be able to run a MySQL Server on your local machine if you want to be able to test things locally.

You will also need the Node production process manager PM2 in order to run the backend locally. You can install it using:

> npm install pm2@latest -g

Helpful Tools

Consider installing a MySQL GUI like MySQL Workbench if you're not comfortable running queries from the terminal.

It can also be beneficial to install a GUI like Postman to verify API calls. You can similarly make the calls through curl requests.

Set Up

You will need MySQL up and running. For example:

> mysqld_safe

Then, you can connect to it in another terminal using:

> mysql -u root -p -h localhost

where root is whatever account name you have configured MySQL with.

Run the dbcreate.sql file, which creates an america_scores database and the necessary tables. For example, if you're running MySQL inside the top level of the america-scores-backend directory:

MySQL> source database/dbcreate.sql

You can verify that the tables were created by then running:

MySQL> use america_scores;
MySQL> show tables;

Copy the creds.sample.js in the config directory to creds.js in the same folder. This will be gitignored.

> cp config/creds.sample.js config/creds.js

Edit the creds.js file with the credentials for connecting to your local MySQL instance in the development section.

You also need a .env file in the top level of america-scores-backend with an AUTH0_MANAGEMENT_TOKEN and AUTH0_DOMAIN if you want to run the tests.


If you just want to seed the database with demo data, you can go to the top level of the america-scores-backend and run:

> npm run seed

If you want to run the tests, you can run:

> npm run test

which will seed the data and then run the tests.

Before checking in any changes, please ensure that:

> npm run test
> npm run eslint

both pass.

Running the Backend API Locally

From the top level of america-scores-backend:

> npm run start

runs a local instance of the backend app, listening for requests on port 8888.

You can see more information, including log file locations, for the app instance by running:

> pm2 show amscores_backend

You can now make requests via curl or a GUI like Postman.

To stop the backend instance, run:

> npm run stop


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