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School districts and agencies need reliable, secure, and consistent reporting of key facts and statistics for their students to fully participate in Scores. This project leverages Mulesoft and Salesforce API's as well as Selenium to automate a costly reporting process with various systems while staying ahead of the highest regulatory standards

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Project Purpose

The Sync-Robot seeks to eliminate double entry work from humans and provide a secure, reliable method of publish-subscribe reporting to third parties. It utilizes the Mulesoft API's to find, create, and update records of Students, Teams, Enrollments, and Attendancem depending on the contract needs with the third-party.

Why not API-API?

The reality of many school district systems is they provide only Web-API access, which follows the logical flow provided for human user manipulation. This system overcomes that barrier by behaving like a human user, much like a Web automation testing system does.

Key Features



User/System Acceptance Tests

How to Contribute

Additional Notes for Developers

Mac Install


xcode-select --install


/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

==> Next steps:
- Run these two commands in your terminal to add Homebrew to your PATH:
    echo 'eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"' >> /Users/m/.zprofile
    eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"

Reopen terminal

brew update

Turn off Brew Analytics brew analytics off


brew tap mongodb/brew brew install mongodb-community@5.0

Open new terminal window

TEST : which mongo should output some path (not empty line or not found)

NVM Install (if NodeJS not already installed)

brew install nvm mkdir ~/.nvm nano ~/.zprofile

Add these lines to the end

export NVM_DIR=~/.nvm
source $(brew --prefix nvm)/

Open new terminal window

TEST : which nvm should output some path (not empty line or not found)

nvm install 14 (or other version as needed) nvm use 14 (or other version as needed)


  1. Create a Docker Hub Account (free tier) with AmericaScores credentials :
  2. Download Docker Desktop Application

TEST : which docker should output some path (not empty line or not found)

Geckodriver (aka Firefox)

This is used by the Selenium commands as a the webdriver browser

Download to a static folder like ~/geckodriver

nano ~/.zprofile (or .bashrc depending on OS version)

Add this line to the end of the file

export PATH=$PATH:~/geckodriver

Open new terminal window

TEST : which geckodriver should output some path (not empty line or not found)

The first time running there may be security warnings that need to be disabled.


Download as a Desktop database viewer and data importer

Windows Install

This is a work in progress and needs more details. The high level dependencies are listed out in the titles.

Linux for Windows Subsystem




Geckodriver (aka Firefox)


Running Mongo Docker Compose

docker-compose -f stack.yml up This will start all Docker Services.

http://localhost:8081/db/local to view database in browser via the Mongo Express package

Create or Update Mongo Indices and Views

Run these commands: bash/mongodb/ and bash/mongodb/ This will generate the associated indices/views definitions found in the root mongodb/ folders. These are required for the results of the various scrapes and MuleSoft API calls to generate the correct outputs to determine what to scrape and/or push.

Sometimes views will need to be dropped or created. Running the createAllViews commands will take care of dropping any existing view with the same name and recreate with any new aggregation stage definitions.

Build API Server Files

These files are the transpiled generated files used to trigger the various commands.

cd api npm install npm run build

Local Environment File api/.env.example to api/.env

Request the initial values from Program Manager or Developer on the team. Update values as needed - these are intentionally not checked into the GitHub repo since they contain some values that should not be shared. The same file is referenced by both bash commands.



There are three general categories of commands - pull, scrape and push. These commands are cumulative and iterative.

pull commands request data from the external SalesForce (SF) system via the MuleSoft API. The output of these commands are saved directly to the MongoDB and do not require a manual import. Often the pull commands need to be run a few times in a full sync to keep data states up-to-date.

scrape commands extract data from browser pages via the selenium webdriver. The ouput of these commands are saved to a local *.json file which is later imported to MongoDB (via Mingo or CLI) as one of the data source collections depending on the command.

push commands interact with browser pages and save data to the site. The output of the commands are also local files that are just useful for logging and timestamps but aren't imported into MongoDB. Because these commands change the "state" of the page they are interacting with, almost always after doing a push command, a scrape command is needed to maintain up-to-date information.

Running Commands

Navigate to api/build - this is the root folder where all commands will run.

Pull Commands (from Salesforce via Mulesoft)

Since the API is pretty fast, often it's more useful to simply clear out all the MuleSoft results/errors collections and then run all the below commands from scratch as opposed to sifting through thousands of documents to find the few dozen that need to be removed or modified.

To run all of these at once, concatenate the commands with && like this : node . get_contact_data && node . get_coach_data && node . get_coach_session_data && node . get_coach_session_data && node . get_all_attendances

Get Contact Data

node . get_contact_data

Get Coach Data

node . get_coach_data

Get Coach Session Data

node . get_coach_session_data

Get Enrollments Data

node . get_coach_session_data

Get Attendance Data

node . get_all_attendances

Scrape Commands

Scrape District 1 Participants

  • Clear out district_participantscollection
  • Run node . scrape district_1_participants
  • Output should be imported to district_participants collection

Scrape District 1 Teams

  • Clear out district_teamscollection
  • Run node . scrape district_1_teams
  • Output should be imported to district_teams collection

Scrape District 2 Participants

  • Clear out district_participantscollection
  • Run node . scrape district_2_participants
  • Output should be imported to district_participants collection

Scrape District 2 Teams

  • Clear out district_teamscollection
  • Run node . scrape district_2_teams
  • Output should be imported to district_teams collection

Push Commands

TBD - commands are done but need to document still

Database Views

Scrape Commands

These PUSH data to the database based on the results from the scrape

  • scrape district_1_participants

    • destinationMongoCollection: district_participants
  • scrape district_1_participant

    • destinationMongoCollection:district_participants
  • scrape district_1_teams_no_attendance

    • destinationMongoCollection:district_teams
  • scrape district_1_teams_with_attendance

    • destinationMongoCollection:district_teams
  • scrape district_2_participants

    • destinationMongoCollection:district_participants
  • scrape district_2_teams_no_attendance

    • destinationMongoCollection:district_teams
  • scrape district_2_teams_with_attendance

    • destinationMongoCollection:district_teams

Push Commands

These PULL data from the database depending on [1] scrape data and [2] API data

  • push district_1_teams

    • sourceMongoCollection:salesforce_team_seasons_with_missing_district_teams
    • sourceMongoCollectionQuery:{"district":"district_1"}
  • push district_1_participants

    • sourceMongoCollection:salesforce_participants_not_in_district_view
    • sourceMongoCollectionQuery:{"$and":[{"district":"district_1"},{"StudentName":{"$not":{"$regex":" stub$", "$options":"i"}}},{"StudentName":{"$not":{"$regex":" stubb$", "$options":"i"}}}]}
  • push district_1_schedule

    • sourceMongoCollection:salesforce_sessions_not_in_district_view
    • sourceMongoCollectionQuery:{"district":"district_1"}
  • push district_1_enrollments

    • sourceMongoCollection:salesforce_enrollments_not_in_district_view
    • sourceMongoCollectionQuery:{"district":"district_1"}
  • push district_1_attendances

    • sourceMongoCollection:salesforce_attendance_to_set_in_district_1
    • sourceMongoCollectionQuery:{}
  • push district_2_participants

    • sourceMongoCollection:salesforce_participants_not_in_district_view
    • sourceMongoCollectionQuery:{"$and":[{"district":"district_2"},{"StudentName":{"$not":{"$regex":" stub$", "$options":"i"}}},{"StudentName":{"$not":{"$regex":" stubb$", "$options":"i"}}}]}
  • push district_2_participants_is_youth_a_parent

    • sourceMongoCollection:district_participants_view
    • sourceMongoCollectionQuery:{"formValues.Is Youth Also A Parent":null}
  • push district_2_enrollments

    • sourceMongoCollection:salesforce_enrollments_not_in_district_view
    • sourceMongoCollectionQuery:{"district":"district_2"}
  • push district_2_schedule

    • sourceMongoCollection:salesforce_sessions_not_in_district_view
    • sourceMongoCollectionQuery:{"district":"district_2"}
  • push district_2_attendances

    • sourceMongoCollection:salesforce_attendance_to_set_in_district_2
    • sourceMongoCollectionQuery:{}


School districts and agencies need reliable, secure, and consistent reporting of key facts and statistics for their students to fully participate in Scores. This project leverages Mulesoft and Salesforce API's as well as Selenium to automate a costly reporting process with various systems while staying ahead of the highest regulatory standards



Security policy





No releases published


No packages published

Contributors 4

