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The Hotel Management Application is a Spring Boot-based system designed to manage hotel room data efficiently. It provides a set of RESTful API endpoints for tasks such as creating, retrieving, updating, and deleting room records. This application offers features for room type filtering, price updates, and availability tracking.


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Hotel Management Application

Java Maven Spring Boot H2 Database GPL v3


The Hotel Management Application is a Spring Boot-based system designed to manage hotel room data efficiently. It provides a set of RESTful API endpoints for tasks such as creating, retrieving, updating, and deleting room records. This application offers features for room type filtering, price updates, and availability tracking.

Technologies Used

  • Framework: Spring Boot
  • Language: Java
  • Build Tool: Maven
  • Database: H2 (embedded)

Data Flow


The Controller layer handles incoming HTTP requests and delegates them to the appropriate services. It defines API endpoints for various operations:

  1. Add Room: POST /room
  2. Add Rooms: POST /rooms
  3. Get All Rooms: GET /rooms
  4. Get Room by ID: GET /room/{roomId}
  5. Update Room Price by Type: PUT /room/price/{roomType}/{priceIncrease}
  6. Get Available Rooms by Type: GET /rooms/available/{roomType}
  7. Delete Room by ID: DELETE /room/{roomId}
public class RoomController {
    RoomService roomService;

    // Add a room
    public String addRoom(@RequestBody Room room) {
        return roomService.addARoom(room);

    // Get all rooms
    public Iterable<Room> getAllRooms() {
        return roomService.getAllRooms();

    // ...


The Services layer implements business logic, data processing, and interactions with the data repository. Key responsibilities include:

  • Validating input data.
  • Performing CRUD operations on room data.
  • Handling price updates and availability tracking.
public class RoomService {
    IRoomRepo roomRepo;

    // Get all rooms
    public Iterable<Room> getAllRooms() {
        return roomRepo.findAll();

    // ...


The Repository layer manages data access to the embedded H2 database. It handles database operations, including Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) for room data.

public interface IRoomRepo extends CrudRepository<Room, Long> {
    List<Room> findByRoomType(RoomType roomType);
    List<Room> findByRoomTypeAndRoomAvailableStatus(RoomType roomType, boolean availableStatus);

Database Design

The project's database design includes tables for room management with fields such as:

  • roomId (Room ID)
  • roomNo (Room Number)
  • roomType (Room Type)
  • roomPrice (Room Price)
  • roomAvailableStatus (Availability Status)

Room Table

Column Name Data Type Description
roomId BIGINT Unique identifier for each room
roomNo INTEGER Unique room number
roomType ENUM Room type (AC, NON_AC)
roomPrice DOUBLE Price of the room
roomAvailableStatus BOOLEAN Availability status

The "Room" table stores room-related information, including room IDs, numbers, types, prices, and availability status. Timestamps for record creation and modification are not included in this embedded database.

Data Structures Used

The project uses the following data structures:

Room Class

The Room class defines the structure for room data, including room attributes such as roomId, roomNo, roomType, roomPrice, and roomAvailableStatus.

RoomType Enum

The RoomType enum enumerates the possible room types: AC and NON_AC.


The ArrayList data structure is used for managing lists of Room objects efficiently.

These data structures enable the application to organize and manipulate room data effectively while ensuring data integrity.

Project Summary

The Hotel Management Application is a Spring Boot-based system designed for efficient room data management. It offers a set of RESTful API endpoints for various room-related operations, including creating, retrieving, updating, and deleting room records.

Key Technologies Used

  • Framework: Spring Boot
  • Language: Java
  • Build Tool: Maven
  • Database: H2 (embedded)

Data Flow


The Controller layer handles incoming HTTP requests and routes them to the appropriate services. It defines API endpoints for operations such as adding, retrieving, updating, and deleting room records.


The Services layer implements core business logic and data processing, including input validation, CRUD operations on room data, and handling price updates and availability tracking.


The Repository layer manages data access to the embedded H2 database, performing Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations for room data.

Database Design

The database design includes tables for room management, featuring fields such as roomId, roomNo, roomType, roomPrice, and roomAvailableStatus.

Data Structures Used

  • Room Class: Defines the structure for room data, including room attributes and availability status.
  • RoomType Enum: Enumerates room types (AC, NON_AC).
  • ArrayList: Utilized for managing lists of Room objects efficiently.

Key Features

  • RESTful API endpoints for room management.
  • Data validation to ensure data integrity.
  • Clean code separation with a layered architecture (Controller, Services, Repository).
  • Efficient data storage and retrieval using an embedded H2 database.

The Hotel Management Application serves as a practical example of Spring Boot application development, demonstrating best practices in API design and room data management. It offers a solid foundation for building and extending hotel management systems in various applications.


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.


Special thanks to the Spring Boot and Java communities for providing valuable tools and resources.


For questions or feedback, please contact Amit Ashok Swain.


The Hotel Management Application is a Spring Boot-based system designed to manage hotel room data efficiently. It provides a set of RESTful API endpoints for tasks such as creating, retrieving, updating, and deleting room records. This application offers features for room type filtering, price updates, and availability tracking.








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