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Imaginary Library is a prototype that empowers users to seamlessly manage books, authors, and categories. Users can effortlessly add, update, and remove entries in each category, ensuring a streamlined and dynamic library experience.

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Fullstack project - Imaginary Library


This is a library application built using React. It allows users to view a list of books, authors and categories. It allows users to add, update and delete book, author and category.


You should use either npm or yarn but not both. It's recommended to use yarn

We have two different folders:

  1. api: where the backend lives

  2. client: Frontend of the application

To run the application locally, follow these steps:

  • Make sure you have Node.js and npm installed on your system.
  • Clone the repository to your local machine.
  • Open a terminal and navigate to the project directory.
  • Run npm install to install the required dependencies.
  • After the installation is complete, run npm start to start the development server. Open your web browser and go to http://localhost:3000 to view the application.

To install, you need to go to both directories and install their packages as such:

cd api
yarn install
cd client
yarn install

To run the frontend make sure you are under the client folder and:

yarn start

To run the backend make sure you are under the api folder and:

yarn start:dev

api folder

  1. Create a .env file in the root directory and copy the content from .env.example
  2. Make sure MongoDB is running (if you are using local MongoDB)
  3. If you need to customize your env, take a look at secrets.ts file
  4. Separate routes and functions into routers, controllers, services folders

client folder

  1. Create a .env file in the root directory if you need to store secret data
  2. You can complete your project using SASS, CSS, or other styling libraries


  • View a list of books, authors and categories
  • Add new book, author and category to the database.
  • Edit existing book, author and category to update their details.
  • Delete book, author and category from the database.
  • User authentication with google and sign-up forms.

Technologies Used

Front End:

  • TypeScript
  • React
  • React Router
  • Redux Toolkit
  • Axios (for API requests)
  • Material-UI for UI components
  • CSS

Back End and Database:

  • TypeScript
  • Express js
  • Mongoose
  • Google authentication
  • Jest
  • MongoDB

Additional Notes

  • The application uses local storage to clear data when the window is closed (window.onbeforeunload).
  • User authentication and authorization are handled on the server-side.

Future Development

Here are some planned features and improvements for the future development of the application:

  • Complete Lend and Return Functionality: Implement a feature that allows users to lend books to others and track their return.

  • Enhanced Search and Filters: Enhance the search functionality with advanced filters, allowing users to find books based on various criteria such as genre, publication date, and more.

  • Improved UX Design: Continuously work on enhancing the user experience by refining the application's interface, optimizing navigation, and ensuring a seamless interaction flow.

  • Reading Mode: Introduce a reading mode that enables users to read books directly within the application, providing a convenient reading experience.

  • User Profiles and Recommendations: Implement user profiles to track reading history and preferences. Use this data to provide personalized book recommendations.

  • Performance Optimization: Continuously work on optimizing the application's performance, including faster load times.



About 40h built the back-end earlier

Date Hours subject
2.10.2023 6h Login From/Functionality/style
2.10.2023 6h Sign up Form/Functionality/style
3.10.2023 8h NavBar/Header/Footer/style
4.10.2023 7h Logout/Profile page/style
6.10.2023 3h refactoring Login/sign up pages
8.10.2023 9h Book card/Books
10.10.2023 3h Book page
11.10.2023 2h api: added language and pages
12.10.2023 2h Button style
13.10.2023 4h Header refactoring
14.10.2023 2h Alert page
15.10.2023 5h Book Form
16.10.2023 1h Book Form Refactored
17.10.2023 3h Update book
22.10.2023 8h Refactoring new book and selected authors and categories
23.10.2023 4h Refactoring code
24.10.2023 1h added categories and authors type to BookProps
25.10.2023 3h Delete Book and refactoring
26.10.2023 1h Deploying first version to fly
27.10.2023 1h updated author slice
27.10.2023 3h added author form
30.10.2023 2h fetch authors and delete author
31.10.2023 2h update author and refactoring
2.11.2023 2h fetching and adding new genre
3.11.2023 1h updating and deleting category
3.11.2023 2h Refactoring, cleaning up and new build
5.11.2023 1h Documentation

| 5.11.2023 | 132h | Total |


Imaginary Library is a prototype that empowers users to seamlessly manage books, authors, and categories. Users can effortlessly add, update, and remove entries in each category, ensuring a streamlined and dynamic library experience.







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