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Amol Dakhane edited this page Mar 17, 2017 · 24 revisions

Welcome to the SampleSeleniumPOMFramework wiki!

This framework is designed to kick start web automation in any team, using Selenium Webdriver and C# with NUnit 2.6.4. framework. It is designed using Selenium Page Object model(POM) concept.

Using this framework you can save at least a week to do initial setup and building reusable methods and extensions for using Selenium webdriver. I have already written 50+ reusable methods and are available in SeleniumUtilities.dll which referenced in the this project.

You just need to download this repository, Open the project in Visual Studio,compile it and then you are ready start automation for your project!!

I have created some sample POM Pages and test cases by using demo site. This will give you good understanding on how to proceed further with automation of your project. In case of any queries feel free to communicate with me using comments section.

Enjoy Automating!!!!

Test Automation

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