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Vincent Lam edited this page Apr 30, 2022 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the Gradescope TOA Visualization wiki!

I created this project to expand upon Colin Castleberry, PhD.'s hierarchical network of tags used by a UIUC course for Gradescope assessments.

In this new era of remote learning, the ability for students to receive direct feedback is extremely invaluable. Conventional teaching and grading methods cannot categorize student strengths and weaknesses and provide this information in a concise method. By using tag-organized assessment (TOA) materials, this information may be grouped into categories for automated analyses of student performance. A visual tool should display this information to help students better understand important course skills and concepts and their performance relative to peers, empowering students to self-direct their learning on subjects they are having difficulty with. Instructors can also use this information to adapt their teaching and assessments to subject-specific weaknesses.

This visualization produces a physics-based aggregation of the tags most central to the network, providing an easily interpretable and interactive representation of a student’s performance among related tags. Tags are represented as nodes and are connected both logically (in the hierarchical network) and by intersectionality (when two unrelated tags appear together on the same question).

I hope that this data visualization will allow students to view their personal performance in the class relative to their peers and self-direct their learning. This is achieved by calculating a student's z-score for every tag and assigning a value in the red-green color gradient to that tags node fill color.

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