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Contributed Ampel units from HU/DESY group


  1. Install poetry. If you install poetry with conda, be sure to install it in its own environment, e.g. conda create -n poetry.
  2. git clone; cd Ampel-HU-astro
  3. Check your virtualenv setup with poetry env info (or conda run -n poetry poetry env info if using conda). The output should include:
    Python:         3.10.x
    If not, point poetry at an installation of Python 3.10 with (conda run -n poetry) poetry env use PATH_TO_PYTHON_310
  4. (conda run -n poetry) poetry install -E "ztf sncosmo extcats notebook"
  5. cd notebooks
  6. (conda run -n poetry) poetry run jupyter notebook

This will allow a number of Demo / access / development notebooks to be run. Note that most of them requires an access token if data is to be retrieved.

Provided units

T0 units (alert filters):

  • LensedTransientFilter
  • PredetectionFilter: Filter derived from the DecentFilter.
  • RandFilter
  • RcfFilter: Filter for the ZTF Redshift Completeness Factor program..
  • RedshiftCatalogFilter: Filter derived from DecentFilter designed to only accept transients located close to a galaxy in a catalog, and within redshift bounds.
  • SimpleDecentFilter: General-purpose filter devloped alongside DecentFilter but without use of external catalogs.
  • StellarFilter: a.k.a. as the IndecentFilter, i.e. an inversion of the DecentFilter mainly used for finding extragalactic objects.
  • TransientInClusterFilter: Filter derived from the DecentFilter, in addition selecting candidates with position compatible with that of nearby galaxy clusters..
  • XShooterFilter: Filter derived from the DecentFilter, in addition selecting very new transients which are visible from the South.

T2 units (augment):

T3 units (react):