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Create vector and raster tiles for basiskaart

Prepare the database

Import the latest version of the basiskaart db into PostGIS:

docker-compose up -d database
docker-compose exec database basiskaart

Create the mviews which contains the BGT en KBK10 and KBK50 data, run from the repro root dir

docker exec -it vector_tiles_t_rex_database_1 bash `psql -h localhost -p5402 -U basiskaart -d basiskaart -f ./config/database/create_all_mviews.sql` | echo please wait...

Serve vector tiles


Make sure T-Rex can actually cache the files to disk:

mkdir -p cache

sudo chown -Rf www-data:wwww-data cache

Bring up T-Rex to serve vector tiles in Web Mercator (EPSG:3857) projection:

docker-compose up -d t_rex

View the vector tiles in Web Mercator (EPSG:3857) projection:

Bring up T-Rex to serve vector tiles in Rijksdriehoekstelsel (EPSG:28992) projection:

docker-compose up -d t_rex_rd

View the vector tiles in Rijksdriehoekstelsel (EPSG:28992) projection:

Generate vector tile caches

To generate vector tiles cache, run cmd:

docker-compose run t_rex generate --minzoom 10 --maxzoom 16 --config /var/config/topo_wm.toml --extent 4.49712476945351,52.1630507756721,5.60867873764429,52.6147675426215

To generate vector tiles cache, run cmd:

docker-compose run t_rex_rd generate --minzoom 5 --maxzoom 11 --config /var/config/topo_rd.toml --extend 4.49712476945351,52.1630507756721,5.60867873764429,52.6147675426215

Serve raster tiles

TileServer GL

Bring up TileServer GL to serve raster tiles:

docker-compose up -d tileserver_gl

Check the TileServer GL configuration and endpoints:


View the raster tiles in Web Mercator (EPSG:3857) projection:

View the raster tiles in Rijksdriehoekstelsel (EPSG:28992) projection:

To see the vector tiles we need to add t_rex and t_rex_rd to point to in /etc/hosts

sudo cat >>/etc/hosts <<EOL
# Map t-rex endpoints to localhost
#	t_rex	t_rex_rd

Generate raster tiles


Build topo_wm mapproxy image:

docker-compose build topo_wm

Then run the mapproxy seeding :

docker-compose run topo_wm

The resulting tiles are in the ./tiles subdirectory