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André Zanghelini edited this page Feb 22, 2018 · 4 revisions

Checking if TrueLinks is working

Sometimes it's not easy to spot if the scripts are working, browsers and the internet are fast nowadays and you can be fooled to think it's working when it's not.

I'll probably add later an option to easily spot if it's really working, but that's for later.

Checking Twitter & Disqus

They are the easiest to check, just hover over a link and see if the link leads to instead of what is in the Tweet. Or to for Disqus.

Remember that this script does not enlarge tiny urls, if the tweeter has posted a link that was minified this script won't change it. This script just removes the Twitter tracking.

Checking Facebook

Facebook is trickier, they do a lot of crap to make sure you are fooled to think you are going directly to the link when in fact they are first tracking you.

To check you need to right-click a link and click on an option called "Inspect", this will open a box in your browser where you can check the element. If it's not working you should see something like this:

<a class="_2kcr" href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" onmouseover="LinkshimAsyncLink.swap(this, &quot;http:\/\/\/&quot;);" onclick="LinkshimAsyncLink.referrer_log(this, &quot;http:\/\/\/&quot;, &quot;\/si\/ajax\/l\/render_linkshim_log\/?u=http\u00253A\u00252F\\u00252F&amp;h=cAQE6mqT-&amp;render_verification=0&amp;enc&amp;d&quot;);"></a>

When working you won't see anything called onclick or onmouseover or anything starting with on and the href attribute should be the real url. More clearly you should see something like this:

<a class="_2kcr" href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a>

Checking Slack

Slack also tries to fool you very hard. When you hover the links they change to the real url, but when you click on them they change to their tracker.

Anyway it's easy to check if TrueLinks is working on Slack, just click down on the link but don't release the mouse button. You'll see that the url changes to slack-redir. Just drag the url around to cancel the action then.

Or you can right-click on the link and click on an option called "Inspect" in most browsers. Take your mouse away from the link and if don't see the real url inside the highlighted line then it's not working.